Наименование |
Объем | Производство | Метод |
Кат.Номер |
Alstroemeria Mosaic virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
39000  |
Alternanthera mosaic virus and Papaya mosaic virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
53400  |
American Plum Line Pattern virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
32000  |
Andean Potato Latent virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
40200  |
Apple Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
30700  |
Arabis Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
23203  |
Avocado sunblotch viroid |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
63900  |
Bacterial Reagent Set for Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoracieae (Xcarm) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
BRA 88800/0500  |
Bacterial Reagent Set for Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoracieae (Xcarm) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
BRA 88800/0096  |
Banana Bract Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
24600  |
Banana Bunchy Top Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
24700  |
Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
19500  |
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus – MAV |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
26500  |
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus – PAV |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
27500  |
Bean Pod Mottle Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
46400  |
Beet Western Yellows Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
32100  |
Brome Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
29300  |
Bt-Cry1Ab/1Ac |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
6200  |
BWYV PathoScreen® Complete Kit (Beet western yellows virus) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 32100/0096  |
Calibrachoa Mottle Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
83000  |
Carlavirus Group |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
93000  |
Carnation Etched Ring Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
34100  |
Carnation Latent Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
34000  |
Carnation Mottle Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
68000  |
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
68500  |
Carnation Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
68300  |
Cereal Yellow Dwarf Virus – RPV |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
28001  |
CGMMV (Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus) PathoScreen® Complete Kit |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 45702/0096  |
CGMMV (Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus) PathoScreen® Complete Kit |
480 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 45702/0480  |
Cherry leaf roll virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
TSE  |
Chrysanthemum Chlorotic Mottle Viroid |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
7000  |
Chrysanthemum Stunt Viroid |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
9000  |
Chrysanthemum Virus B |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
81000  |
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
44001  |
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Кольцевая гниль картофеля) |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
70004  |
Corn Stunt Spiroplasma |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
16000  |
Cucumber Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
44501  |
Cucumber Mosaic Virus – serogroup I |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
44700  |
Cucumber Mosaic Virus – serogroup II |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
44800  |
Cymbidium Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
89500  |
Cymbidium mosaic virus and Odontoglossum ringspot virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
13301  |
Cymbidium Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
33001  |
ELISA Reagent Set for American plum line pattern virus (APLPV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 32000/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 23203/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for ArMV (Arabis mosaic virus) |
96Т | Agdia | |
SRA 23203/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) |
96Т | Agdia | |
SRA 19500/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 19500/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Barley yellow dwarf virus-MAV (BYDV-MAV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 26500/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 27500/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) |
96 | Agdia | |
SRA 16301/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 16301/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Broad bean wilt virus 1,2 (BBWV-1,2) |
500 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 46202/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Brome mosaic virus (BMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 29300/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRP 45600/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 78900/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 44001/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Cms) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 70002/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Cms) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 70002/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. tessellarius (Cmt) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 44100/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 24200/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Cucumber mosaic virus - subgroup I (CMV I) |
| Agdia | |
SRA 44700/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 44501/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 44501/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Cucumber mosaic virus -subgroup II (CMV II) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 44800/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Erwinia amylovora (Ea) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 52101/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) |
96 | Agdia | |
SRA 20501/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 18000/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) 96 тестов |
| Agdia | |
SRA 18000/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Maize mosaic virus (MMV) |
500 | Agdia | |
SRA 18900/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Maize stripe virus (MSpV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 17300/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Maize white line mosaic virus (MWLMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 18200/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Pectobacterium atrosepticum (Patro) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 80003/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Pectobacterium atrosepticum (Patro) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 80003/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 13001/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Plum pox virus (PPV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 31505/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 30002/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potato virus M (PVM) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 50000/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potato virus S (PVS) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 40000/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potato virus Y-common strain (PVY-c) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 20700/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potato virus Y-necrotic strain (PVY-n) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 26001/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potato virus Y-necrotic strain (PVY-n) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 26001/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potato virus Y-o+c strains (PVY-o+c) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 20600/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Potyvirus Group (Poty) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 27200/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 30500/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Psph) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 53300/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRP 33900/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 58200/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 15500/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 33300/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Strawberry mild yellow edge virus (SMYEV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 14500/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 66800/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) |
| Agdia | |
SRA 35400/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 22001/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 54001/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 43001/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) |
| Agdia | |
SRA 34503/0096  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 34503/0500  |
ELISA Reagent Set for Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 77700/0096  |
ELISA Test Kits for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 87601/0096  |
ELISA Test Kits for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 87601/0500  |
ELISA Test Kits for CGMMV (Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 45702/0096  |
ELISA Test Kits for CGMMV (Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 45702/0500  |
ELISA Test Kits for CGMMV (Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus) |
1000 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 45702/1000  |
ELISA Test Kits for CGMMV (Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus) |
5000 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 45702/5000  |
ELISA Test Kits for CPMMV (Cowpea mild mottle virus) 500 тестов |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 79500/0500  |
ELISA Test Kits for KGMMV (Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus) |
500 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 65001/0500  |
ELISA Test Kits for Poty (Potyvirus Group) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 27200/5000  |
ELISA Test Kits for TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 57400/0500  |
ELISA Test Kits for TSV (Tobacco streak virus) |
1000 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 25500/1000  |
ELISA Test Kits for TSV (Tobacco streak virus) |
5000 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 25500/5000  |
ELISA Test Kits for TSWV (Tomato spotted wilt virus) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 39300/0500  |
ELISA Test Kits for TuMV (Turnip mosaic virus) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 18700/0500  |
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum, Race 4 |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
19700  |
Groundnut Ringspot Virus and Tomato Chlorotic Spot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
61000  |
High Plains Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
17200  |
ImmunoStrip ToBRFV (Tomato brown rugose fruit virus). Вирус коричневой морщинистости плодов томата |
5 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK 66800/0005  |
ImmunoStrip® for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) 25 strips & buffer filled bags |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK87601-0025  |
ImmunoStrip® for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK44501-0025  |
ImmunoStrip® for Cymbidium mosaic virus & Odontoglossum ringspot virus (CymMV & ORSV) |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK13301-0025  |
ImmunoStrip® for Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK20501-0025  |
ImmunoStrip® for Rhizoctonia solani (Rhiz) |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK41000-0025  |
ImmunoStrip® for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK22001-0025  |
ImmunoStrip® for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK39300-0025  |
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
20500  |
INSV PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 96 Testwells |
| Agdia | |
PSA 20501/0096  |
Johnsongrass Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
18300  |
Kalanchoe Latent Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
62000  |
Lettuce Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
45801  |
Lily Symptomless Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
62300  |
Little Cherry Virus 2 |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
85600  |
Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
17001  |
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
18000  |
Maize Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
18900  |
Maize Streak Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
18800  |
Maize Stripe Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
17300  |
Negative Control for Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Tomato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 23203/TOMATO LF  |
Negative Control for Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV), Wheat leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 19500/WHEAT LF  |
Negative Control for Barley yellow dwarf virus-MAV (BYDV-MAV), Barley leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 26500/BARLEY LF  |
Negative Control for Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV), Barley leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 27500/BARLEY LF  |
Negative Control for Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 16301/BEET ROOT  |
Negative Control for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 44001/TOMATO LF  |
Negative Control for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Cms), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 70002/ POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. tessellarius (Cmt) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 44100/WHEAT LF  |
Negative Control for CPMMV (Cowpea mild mottle virus) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 79500/BEAN LF  |
Negative Control for Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), Cucumber leaves |
| Agdia | |
Negative Control for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 44501  |
Negative Control for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Cucumber leaves |
| Agdia | |
Negative Control for Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), Corn leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 18000/CORN LF  |
Negative Control for Maize mosaic virus (MMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 18900/CORN LF  |
Negative Control for Peach rosette mosaic virus (PRMV) |
1 ea. | Agdia | |
LNC87700  |
Negative Control for Pectobacterium atrosepticum (Patro), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 80003/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 13001/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Plum pox virus (PPV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 31505/PEACH LF  |
Negative Control for Potato latent virus (PotLV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 40501/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 30002/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus A (PVA), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 60000/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus M (PVM), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 50000/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus S (PVS) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 40000/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus T (PVT) |
1 ea. | Agdia | |
LNC40100  |
Negative Control for Potato virus X (PVX), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 10002/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus Y (PVY), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 20001/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus Y-common strain (PVY-c), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 20700/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus Y-necrotic strain (PVY-n) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 26001/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potato virus Y-o+c strains (PVY-o+c), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 20600/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Potyvirus Group (Poty), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 27200/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 33900/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs), Potato sprouts |
| Agdia | |
Negative Control for Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) |
| Agdia | |
Negative Control for Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), Soybean leaves |
| Agdia | |
Negative Control for Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Tobacco leaves |
| Agdia | |
Negative Control for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 66800/TOMATO LF  |
Negative Control for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Potato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 39300/POTATO LF  |
Negative Control for Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) |
| Agdia | |
Negative Control for Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV), Corn leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 43001/CORN LF  |
Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
54301  |
Pantoea stewartii |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
52000  |
Papaya Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
53500  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 46400/0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) |
480 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 46400/0480  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Cucumber mosaic virus -subgroup I (CMV I) |
480 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA44700-0480  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Cucumber mosaic virus -subgroup II (CMV II) |
96 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA44800-0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Potato virus A (PVA) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 60000/0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Potato virus A (PVA) |
480 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 60000/0288  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Potyvirus Group (Poty) |
96 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA27200-0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV) |
| Agdia | |
PSA 64001/0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 66800/0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 35400/0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) |
96 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA 39300/0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit for Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 77700/0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) |
96 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA44501-0096  |
PathoScreen® Kit, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) |
480 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA44501-0480  |
PathoScreen® Kit, Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV), 96 testwells |
| Agdia | |
PSA 13001/0096  |
PCR Primer for Carlavirus |
| Agdia | |
PCR 93000/0025  |
Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus (PRMV, Вирус розеточной мозаики персика) |
1 ea. | Agdia | |
SRA87700-0096  |
Peanut Stunt Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
44600  |
Pectobacterium atrosepticum |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
80003  |
Pectobacterium carotovorum |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
90500  |
Pelargonium Flower Break Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
90000  |
Pepino Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
13001  |
Pepper Mild Mottle Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
37501  |
Pepper Mottle Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
38000  |
Phytophthora |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
92601  |
Plum Pox Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
31505  |
Poinsettia Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
90700  |
Positive Control for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC87601  |
Positive Control for Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 23203  |
Positive Control for Barley yellow dwarf virus-MAV (BYDV-MAV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 26500  |
Positive Control for Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 27500  |
Positive Control for Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 16301  |
Positive Control for Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 45600  |
Positive Control for Clavibacter michiganenis subsp. michiganenis (Cmm) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 44001  |
Positive Control for Clavibacter michiganenis subsp. tessellarius (Cmt) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 44100  |
Positive Control for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Cms) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 70002  |
Positive Control for CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 44501  |
Positive Control for CPMMV (Cowpea mild mottle virus) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 79500  |
Positive Control for Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 45702  |
Positive Control for Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 18000  |
Positive Control for Maize mosaic virus (MMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 18900  |
Positive Control for Pectobacterium atrosepticum (Patro) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 80003  |
Positive Control for Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 13001  |
Positive Control for Potato latent virus (PotLV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 40501  |
Positive Control for Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 30002  |
Positive Control for Potato virus A (PVA) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 60000  |
Positive Control for Potato virus S (PVS) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 40000  |
Positive Control for Potato virus X (PVX) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 10002  |
Positive Control for Potato virus Y (PVY) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 20001  |
Positive control for Potato virus Y-common strain (PVY-c) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 20700  |
Positive Control for Potato virus Y-necrotic (PVY-n) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 26001  |
Positive Control for Potato virus Y-o+c strains (PVY-o+c) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 20600  |
Positive Control for Poty (Potyvirus Group) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 27200  |
Positive Control for Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Psph) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 53300  |
Positive Control for PVM (Potato virus M) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 50000  |
Positive Control for Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 33900  |
Positive Control for Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) - Synthetic |
| Agdia | |
CPC 15500  |
Positive Control for Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 33300  |
Positive Control for TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 57400  |
Positive Control for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) - Synthetic |
| Agdia | |
CPC 66800  |
Positive Control for Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 18700  |
Positive Control for Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoracieae (Xcarm) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 88800  |
Potato virus T (PVT, Вирус Т картофеля) |
96 tests | Agdia | |
SRA40100-0096  |
Potato Virus Y – C strain |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
20700  |
Potato Virus Y – Necrotic strain |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
26001  |
Potato Virus Y – O and C strains |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
20600  |
Poty PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 96 Testwells |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 27200/0096  |
Potyvirus Group |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
27200  |
Prune Dwarf Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
98700  |
Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
30500  |
Raspberry Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
59401  |
Reagent Set for Barley yellow dwarf virus-MAV (BYDV-MAV), 96 testwells |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 26500/0096  |
Reagent Set for Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 27500/0096  |
Reagent Set for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 44001/0096  |
Reagent Set for Cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV), 96 testwells |
| Agdia | |
SRA 89501/0096  |
Reagent Set for Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV), 96 testwells |
| Agdia | |
SRA 54301/0096  |
Reagent Set for Potato latent virus (PotLV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 40501/0096  |
Reagent Set for Potato virus T (PVT) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 40100/0096  |
Reagent Set for Potato virus V (PVV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 10100/0096  |
Reagent Set for Potato virus Y (PVY) |
1000 testwells | Agdia | |
SRA 20001/1000  |
Reagent Set for Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV), 96 testwells |
| Agdia | |
SRA 64001/0096  |
Ribgrass Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
57601  |
Southern Bean Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
24100  |
Soybean Dwarf Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
15500  |
Soybean Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
33300  |
Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
43200  |
Spiroplasma citri |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
14700  |
Strawberry Latent Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
Sugarcane Bacilliform Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
72200  |
Sugarcane Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
18100  |
Tobacco Etch Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
49500  |
Tobacco Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
57400  |
Tobacco Rattle Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
Tobacco Ringspot Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
64001  |
Tobamovirus group |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
95100  |
Tomato Aspermy Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
37001  |
Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
45400  |
Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
65500  |
Tomato Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
35400  |
Tomato Ringspot Virus (Вирус кольцевой пятнистости томата, ToRSV) |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
22001  |
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
39300  |
Tospovirus Group |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
98100  |
Turnip Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
18700  |
Vip3A |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
83500  |
Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
43001  |
Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
47001  |
Xanthomonas |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
14600  |
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. begoniae |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
23700  |
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
92200  |
Xanthomonas campestris |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
69000  |
Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
32503  |
Xylella fastidiosa |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
34501  |
Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
77700  |
Бурая бактериальная гниль (Ralstonia solanacearum) |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
33900  |
Буферный пакет для ИФА-наборов Agdia |
1000 тестов | Agdia | |
ACC 00111/1000  |
Буферный пакет для ИФА-наборов Agdia |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
ACC 00111/0500  |
Буферный пакет для ИФА-наборов Agdia |
5000 тестов | Agdia | |
ACC 00111/5000  |
Иммунострипы ImmunoStrip Ea (Erwinia amylovora) |
| Agdia | |
ISK 52101/0025  |
ИФА-набор ELISA Reagent Set for Potyvirus Group (Poty) |
96 | Agdia | |
SRA 27200/0096  |
ИФА-набор PathoScreen® Kit for Cucumber mosaic virus -subgroup I (CMV I) |
96 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA44700-0096  |
ИФА-набор PathoScreen® Kit for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) |
96 testwells | Agdia | |
PSA 22001/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики PepMV – Вирус мозаики пепино ELISA Reagent Set for Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 13001/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики TMV (Табачный мозаичный вирус) ELISA Reagent Set for Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 57400/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики TSWV (Вирус пятнистого увядания томатов) ELISA Reagent Set for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) |
96 | Agdia | |
SRA 39300/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики Вирус мозаики аукуба картофеля Reagent Set for Potato aucuba mosaic virus(PAMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 21000/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики вируса коровьей мозаики фасоли ELISA Reagent Set for Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 24200/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики вируса полосатой кукурузы Reagent Set for Maize stripe virus (MSpV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 17300/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики вируса широкого увядания фасоли ELISA Reagent Set for Broad bean wilt virus 1,2 (BBWV-1,2) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 46202/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики вируса южной мозаики фасоли ELISA Reagent Set for Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 24100/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 46400/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) |
1000 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 46400/1000  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) |
5000 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 46400/5000  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 46400/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Pantoea stewartii (Pstew) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 52000/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 22001/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 46000/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Brome mosaic virus (BMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 29300/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 17002/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 42001/0096  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 42001/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 24100/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 64001/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Reagent Set for Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 47001/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений ELISA Test Kits for TSV (Tobacco streak virus) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 25500/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений Reagent Set for Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 43001/0500  |
ИФА-набор для диагностики патогенов растений Tobacco streak virus (TSV PathoScreen®) Complete Kit |
480 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 25500/0480  |
ИФА-набор для определения вируса табачной полоски TSV (Tobacco streak virus) PathoScreen® Complete Kit |
| Agdia | |
PSA 25500/0096  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV), Corn leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 17002  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 19500  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Brome mosaic virus (BMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 29300  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), Bean leave |
| Agdia | |
LNC 46000/BEAN LF  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV), Bean leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 46400/BEAN LF  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Brome mosaic virus (BMV), Barley leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 29300/CORN SEED  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Brome mosaic virus (BMV), Barley leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 29300/BARLEY LF  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Brome mosaic virus (BMV), Barley leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 29300/WHEAT LF  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Pantoea stewartii (Pstew) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 52000/CORN LF  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 24100  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV), Tobacco leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 64001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Negative Control for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV), Tomato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 22001/TOMATO LF  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 42001/WHEAT LF  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 42001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 43001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений отрицательный контроль вируса Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 47001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 19500  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса BMV (Brome mosaic virus) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 29300  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Positive Control for Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 46000  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Positive Control for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 46400  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Positive Control for MCMV (Maize chlorotic mottle virus) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 17002  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Positive Control for Pantoea stewartii (Pstew) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 52000  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Positive Control for Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 24100  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Positive Control for Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 64001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Positive Control for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 22001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 42001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 43001  |
Набор для диагностики патогенов растений положительный контроль вируса Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 47001  |
Набор для определения вируса розеточной мозаики персика (Peach rosette mosaic virus (PRMV), Peach leaves) |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
87700  |
Набор иммунострипов для обнаружения вируса коричневой морщинистости плодов томата (ToBRFV) |
25 тестов | Agdia | |
ISK 66800/0025  |
Набор ИФА PathoScreen® для определения картофельного вируса X (PVX) PathoScreen® Kit for Potato virus X (PVX) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
PSA 10002/0096  |
Набор ИФА PathoScreen® для определения картофельного вируса X (PVX) PathoScreen® Kit for Potato virus X (PVX) |
480 | Agdia | |
PSA 10002/0480  |
Набор реагентов Pectobacterium atrosepticum |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 80003-0096  |
Набор реагентов Tobacco Streak Virus: AP (TSV) |
| Agdia | |
PSA 25500-0288  |
Набор реагентов для определения картофельного вируса А |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 60000-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) – короткоузлие / инфекционная пестролистность (син. инфекционный хлороз) |
| Agdia | |
SRA 27703/0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для вируса мозаики люцерны |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 87601-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для вируса полосатости табака |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 25500-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для выявления вируса мозаики аукуба картофеля |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 21000-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для латентного вируса картофеля |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 40501-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса A (PVA) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 60000/0500  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса A (PVA) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 60000/0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса S (PVS) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 40000/0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса S |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 40000-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса V |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 10100-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса X (PVX) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 10000-0500  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса X (PVX) |
96 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 10002/0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса X (PVX) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 10002/0500  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса X (PVX) |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 10000-0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса Y (PVY) |
500 тестов | Agdia | |
SRA 20001/0500  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса Y с буфером |
96 | Agdia | ELISA |
PSA 20001/0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса М (PVM) |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 50000/0096  |
Набор реагентов ИФА для определения картофельного вируса Т |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 40100-0096  |
Набор реагентов ПЦР для Вируса метельчатости верхушки AmplifyRP® XRT for PMTV (Potato mop-top virus) |
| Agdia | |
XCS 12501/0048  |
Набор реактивов ИФА для выявления вируса скручивания листьев картофеля (PLRV) |
96 тестов | Agdia | ELISA |
SRA 30002/0096  |
Отрицательный контроль Negative Control for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) SOYBEAN LEAVES |
| Agdia | |
LNC87601 - SL  |
Отрицательный контроль Negative Control for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) TOBACCO LEAVES |
| Agdia | |
LNC87601 - TL  |
Отрицательный контроль вируса Tobacco streak virus |
| Agdia | |
Отрицательный контроль вируса Tobacco streak virus |
| Agdia | |
Отрицательный контроль для ИФА-наборов Erwinia amylovora (Ea) Negative Control for Erwinia amylovora (Ea), Apple leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 52101/APPLE LF  |
Отрицательный контроль для ИФА-наборов Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) Negative Control for INSV, Impatiens leaves |
| Agdia | |
Отрицательный контроль для ИФА-наборов вируса T картофеля Negative Control for Potato virus T (PVT) |
| Agdia | |
LNC 40100/POTATO LF  |
Отрицательный контроль для ИФА-наборов вируса пятнистого увядания томатов (TSWV) Negative Control for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Tomato leaves |
| Agdia | |
LNC 39300/TOMATO LF  |
Положительный контроль вируса Tobacco streak virus (TSV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 25500  |
Положительный контроль для ИФА-наборов Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) Positive Control for Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 20501  |
Положительный контроль для ИФА-наборов вируса пятнистого увядания томатов (TSWV) Positive Control for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 39300  |
Положительный контроль для ИФА-наборов Erwinia amylovora (Ea) Positive Control for Erwinia amylovora (Ea) |
| Agdia | |
LPC 52101  |
ПЦР-набор для диагностики TRV (Вирус погремковости табака) AmplifyRP® XRT for TRV (Tobacco rattle virus) |
| Agdia | |
XCS 25000/0048  |
ПЦР-набор для диагностики TBRV (Вирус чёрной кольцевой пятнистости томата) AmplifyRP® XRT for ToBRFV (Tomato brown rugose fruit virus) |
| Agdia | |
XCS 66800/0048  |
Тест - полоски Agdia ImmunoStrip® for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) |
| Agdia | |
ISK 87601/0025  |