Цитратный буфер для высокотемпературной обработки эпитопов антигенов (100X)
Citrate Buffer For Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval (100X)
Specificity and Comments: Formaldehyde fixation impairs or totally destroys the immunoreactivity of many antigens and epitopes. The negative effect of formaldehyde fixation can be reversed successfully with enzymatic digestion for some markers while not for others. Non-enzymatic epitope unmasking techniques have been recently introduced to improve the immunoreactivity of many antigens in formaldehyde fixed tissues. Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval (HIER) in citrate buffer has been reported to improve the reactivity of many antibodies in formal-fixed tissues.
Supplied As: 1M Citrate buffer, pH 6.0. This is a 100X stock solution and should be diluted 100-fold with distilled water before use.The final solution should be pH 6.0+-0.2. If the solution requires pH adjustment, use 1N NaOH or 1N HCL.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Place five micron thick tissue sections on glass slides coated with poly L-lysine or APTES.Deparaffinize and re-hydrate sections as usual.Place slides in a Coplin jar containing 10mM sodium citrate buffer, pH 6.0; cover with a vented plastic wrap and place the jar in a steamer (Black & Decker) for 20 minutes.Take out the jar and let the sections cool in the jar for 20 minutes at room temperature. THIS STEP IS VERY CRITICAL AND SHOULD NOT BE AVOIDED.Wash sections in buffer for 2x5 minutes.Block endogenous peroxidase as usual.Wash sections in buffer for 2x5 minutes.Block non-specific sites with normal serum as usual.Place optimally diluted primary antibody on the sections (incubation time and temperature for a given set of experimental conditions should be determined by the investigator).Wash sections in buffer for 2x5 minutesRest of the procedure is same as routinely performed in your laboratory.
Suggested Working Dilution: Immunohistology: 1:100 with distilled water.
Suggested Test Size: It is recommended that at least 75 ml of Citrate buffer should be used for 12 slides.
Storage and Stability: Store at room temperature. Each component is stable for 18 months.Since it contains no preservative. Store product at 2-8degrees centigrade for storage longer than 3 months.
Limitations and Warranty: Our products are intended FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY and are not approved for clinical diagnosis, drug use or therapeutic procedures. No products are to be construed as a recommendation for use in violation of any patents. We make no representations, warranties or assurances as to the accuracy or completeness of information provided on our data sheets and website. Our warranty is limited to the actual price paid for the product. NeoMarkers is not liable for any property damage, personal injury, time or effort or economic loss caused by our products.
Информация для заказа
Область использования: | Производство: | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Метод: | Иммуногистохимия |
Объем: | 50 ml |
Кат. номер: | TA-050-CBX |
Цена (с НДС 20%): | по запросу | В корзину  |
Наименование: Цитратный буфер для высокотемпературной обработки эпитопов антигенов (100X) / Citrate Buffer For Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval (100X). Примечание: |