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Mouse Telomere Length Quantification qPCR Assay Kit (Relative )

 Get results quickly,saving 50% of time
 Optimized ready-to-use master mix for rapid PCR reactions.
 Accurate detection of various starting amounts of templates,stable amplification,and highly reproducible
quantitative results.
 Balanced ration of K+and NH4
+ ions,and independent ROX reference Dye packaging,suitable for all real-time
PCR instruments.
Telomere (Telomere) is a DNA sequence at the end of a eukaryotic cell chromosome composed of multiple repeating
nucleotide elements (TTAGGG) in tandem. In addition to providing a buffer for non-transcribed DNA, it can also protect
the end of the chromosome from fusion and Degenerate, protect chromosome structure stability and genetic integrity.
Telomere is the most important and accurate indicator of a person's aging rate. Its initial length is determined by
genetic and environmental factors, and will decrease over time. Studies have shown that telomere length is closely
related to DNA repair, aging, apoptosis, and tumorigenesis. Therefore, accurate and repeatable measurement of
telomere length is particularly important for researchers. This product mainly uses relative quantitative qPCR to
directly compare the average telomere length of the sample, that is, the copy number ratio (T/S) of the telomere
repeat sequence (Tel) and the genome single copy gene (SCR) copy number (T/S) is used as the telomere relative
length. Single-copy gene primers (SCR) specifically recognize and amplify the 100bp long region on mouse
chromosome 10.
The primer set in the kit has passed the test to ensure: (1) efficient and reliable quantification; (2) no non-specific
amplification. Each set of primers has been verified by amplification curve efficiency (E>98%, R2>0.99), melting curve
analysis and gel electrophoresis verification.


Kit Components

2× Mix 1ml
Telomere Primer Mix (10uM) 50 μl
Single Copy Reference Primer Mix (10uM) 50 μl
50 x Rox 250 μl
RNase-free ddH2O 1 ml
User manual 1 copy

Kit application
This product is designed to confirm the average length of chromosomal telomeres in a sample by the ratio (T/S) of the
copy number of telomere gene (Tel) and the copy number of single copy gene (SCR). It is for research use only and is
not approved for clinical or in vitro diagnosis
SYBR Green PCR SuperMix can perform specific and sensitive detection in a wide range, and is suitable for
standard and rapid thermal cyclers. The SYBR Green I dye in the master mix can analyze multiple target nucleic acids
without the need to synthesize sequence-specific probes. Antibody method hot-start Taq enzyme can effectively
inhibit the amplification caused by primer non-specific annealing. At the same time, the PCR formula is optimized,
suitable for the amplification of low-concentration templates, so that quantitative PCR can obtain a good standard
curve in a wide quantitative area.
Genomic DNA:0.5ng to 5ng of genomic DNA can be used in a 20μl system.
2.Transportation and storage methods
1)Ice pack,dry ice transportation。
2)Store at -20°C and protect from light. This product contains the fluorescent dye SYBR Green I. When storing or
preparing the reaction system, avoid strong light exposure. Be sure to invert and mix before use.
3) For your safety and health, please wear lab coats and disposable operating gloves during experiment operation.

Информация для заказа

Область использования:Производство:Puda Scientific
Объем:100 тестов  
Кат. номер:PD-PCR-02528
Цена (с НДС 20%):по запросуВ корзину
Наименование: Mouse Telomere Length Quantification qPCR Assay Kit (Relative ).
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info@LD.ru   тел.: +7 495 369-20-43