ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
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  Секвенирование NGS
  Сортировка клеток
  Цитогенетическая диагностика

/ Каталог / Лабораторное оборудование / Инкубаторы лабораторные, микробиологические / Инкубаторы лабораторные THERMO SCIENTIFIC / Микробиологические инкубаторы Heraeus 6000

Аксессуары для микробиологических инкубаторов Heraeus 6000

Информация для заказа

Наименование ОбъемПроизводствоМетод Кат.Номер
Access port right-hand wall: ø 53 mm  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50049352 
Access port top: ø 23 mm for T/UT 6060-6200, ST/SUT 6060-6200 and B 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50049348 
Access port, left-hand wall: ø 18 mm for T 6030, T/UT 6420-6760, ST 6030, ST/SUT 6420-6760, B 6030 and B/UB 6420-6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50049350 
Access port, left-hand wall: ø 53 mm for T 6030, T/UT 6420-6760, ST 6030, ST/SUT 6420-6760, B 6030 and B/UB 6420-6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50049353 
Access port, right-hand wall: ø 18 mm  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50049349 
Access port, top: ø 58 mm for T/UT 6060-6200, ST/SUT 6060-6200 and B 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50049351 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for SUT 6200 and UT 6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50044616 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for SUT 6420, UT 6420 and UB 6420  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50044617 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for SUT 6760, UT 6760 and UB 6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50044618 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for T 6030, B 6030, ST 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029487 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for T 6060, B 6060, ST 6060  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029488 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for T 6120, B 6120, ST 6120  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029489 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for T 6200, B 6200, ST 6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029490 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for T 6420, B 6420, ST 6420  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029491 
Additional stainless steel perforated shelf including 2 shelf supports: for T 6760, B 6760, ST 6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029492 
Alarm monitoring connection  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900233 
Alarm monitoring connection B/Ub 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900235 
Calibration certificate for 37°C at center of the work space  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50044444 
Central monitoring connection for T 6030, T/UT 6420-6760, ST 6030, ST/SUT 6420-6760 and B/UB 6420-6760, also requires PT100 flexibile sensor  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900063 
Chamber gas-tight, Ig B/Ub 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900122 
Chamber gas-tight, Ig B/Ub 6120  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900124 
Chamber gas-tight, Ig B/Ub 6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900125 
Chamber gas-tight, Ig, B/Ub 6060  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900123 
Chrome wire-mesh shelf with 2 shelf supports: for SUT 6420 or UT 6420  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029416 
Connection kit for PC interface cable, 3 m long, adaptor plug 9 to 25 pin  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50048122 
Daily program timer for T 6030, T/UT 6420-6760, ST 6030, ST/UT 6420-6760 and B/UB 6420-6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900159 
Daily program timer mechanical B/UB 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900234 
Daily program timer mechanical F.B/UB 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900231 
Digicon temperature controller F. B/UB 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900051 
Digicon temperature controller F. B/UB 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900052 
Digicon W. Anlg Interf, B/UB6420,6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900053 
Digital weekly program timer for T 6030, T/UT 6420-6760, B 6030, B/UB 6420-6760 and 6000 M/P  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900161 
Digital weekly program timer for T/UT 6060 - 6200 and B 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900162 
Door hinged on the left for models 6030-6200 only  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50027652 
Eurotherm 2404/P4 with RS 232 interface (for M models only)  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900297 
Eurotherm 2404/P4 with RS 422/485 interface (for M models only)  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900298 
Fresh air particle filter for connection to the fresh air vent (intake), for all models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50030850 
Klevilog software for documentation of internal temperature via the RS 232 interface  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50047372 
Lockable door for all models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900060 
Mechanical weekly program timer for T 6030, T/UT 6420-6760, B 6030 and B/UB 6420-6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900007 
Mechanical weekly program timer for T/UT 6060 - 6200, B 6060-6200 and 6000 M/P  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900008 
Power access ports with 10 measuring terminals located at the side  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50027659 
Protocol additional temperature according to DIN 12880  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50057687 
Pt 100 connection F. B/UB 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900222 
Pt 100 connection F. B/UB6420,6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900230 
Pt 100 connection F.B/UB 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900215 
Record of 37°C acc. to DIN 12880 measuring at 27 points  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50044956 
Sample sensor for IMH60-S / IMH100-S / IMH180-S  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127768 
Set of 4 height adjustable feet for B 6030 - 6120, B/UB 6200, T/UT 6030 - 6200 and ST/SUT 6030-6200  4/PkThermo Fisher Scientific  50010923 
Stacking kit for Heratherm 100L / 3.5 cu.ft. models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50126666 
Stacking kit for Heratherm 180L / 6.4 cu.ft. models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50126667 
Stacking kit for T/UT 6060, B 6060, BB6060, ST/SUT 6060  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50027660 
Stacking kit for T/UT 6120-6200, ST/SUT 6210-6200, B 6120-6200 or BBK 6220  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50027661 
Stainless steel perforated shelf for IGS100, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127771 
Stainless steel perforated shelf for IGS180, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127772 
Stainless steel perforated shelf for IGS60, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127770 
Stainless steel perforated shelf for IMC18  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50125605 
Stainless steel perforated shelf for IMH100 / IMH100-S, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127774 
Stainless steel perforated shelf for IMH180 / IMH180-S, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127777 
Stainless steel perforated shelf for IMH60 / IMH60-S, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127773 
Support frame 300mm for T/UT 6060, ST/SUT 6060 or B 6060  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50031349 
Support frame 300mm for T/UT 6120, ST/SUT 6120 or B 6120  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50034303 
Support frame 300mm for T/UT 6200, ST/SUT 6200 or B 6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50031348 
Support frame 780mm for T/UT 6060, ST/SUT 6060, B 6060 or VT 6060 M/P-BL  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029890 
Support frame 780mm for T/UT 6120, ST/SUT 6120 or B 6120  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029596 
Support frame 780mm for T/UT 6200, ST/SUT 6200, B 6200 or VT 6130 M/P-BL  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029597 
Support stand with coasters for Heratherm 100L / 3.5 cu.ft. Models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127742 
Support stand with coasters for Heratherm 100L / 3.5 cu.ft. Models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127742 
Support stand with coasters for Heratherm 180L / 6.4 cu.ft. Models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127743 
Support stand with coasters for Heratherm 60L / 2 cu.ft. Models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127741 
Temperature limit controller L/H F.B/UB 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900165 
Temperature limit controller L/H F.B/UB6420,6760  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900220 
Temperature limit controller L/H F.B6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900166 
Temperature recorder for all models  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900290 
Thermicon P temperature controller B/UB 6030  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900206 
Thermicon P temperature controller B/UB 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900207 
Thermicon P temperature controller B/UB 6060-6200  Thermo Fisher Scientific  51900208 
Wire mesh shelf for Heratherm Advanced Protocol oven OMH750; 984 x 513 mm  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50029417 
Wire mesh shelf for OMS100/ OMH100 / OMH100-S, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127765 
Wire mesh shelf for OMS180/ OMH180 / OMH180-S, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127766 
Wire mesh shelf for OMS60/ OMH60 / OMH60-S, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127764 
Wire mesh shelf for OMS60/ OMH60 / OMH60-S, including 2 shelf supports  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127764 
Дополнительная полка для сушильных шкафов OMS180/ OMH180 / OMH180-S  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127766 
Дополнительная полка для термостата ВК 800  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50120762 
Набор для штабелирования Heratherm 60L  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50126665 
Перфорированная полка IMH/IMH-S/OMH/OMH-S 100 из нерж. cтали, с 2 опорными держателями  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50127774 
Термостат с охлаждением BK 800, 220 л, рабочий диапазон температур +3 - +40оС  Thermo Fisher Scientific  50120350 
© ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
info@LD.ru   тел.: +7 495 369-20-43