Центромерные ДНК-зонды SE 18 (D18Z1), цвета флуорохромов - green или red
SE 18 (D18Z1)
Poseidon Satellite Enumeration Probes
Introduction: Satellite Enumeration (SE) probes consist o f sets of highly repetitive satellite DNA sequen ces located at the pericen tric heterochro matin of chromosome s. They allo w specific chromosome analysis, marker chromosome identification and the detection of aneuploidy. SE probes ca n be used in a ll aspects of routine and diagnostic work in genetics and oncology/path ology.
Inte nded use: Satellite Enumeration Probes are o ptimized to detect repetitive sequences located in the pe ricen tric heterochromatin of chromosomes a nd on Yq12 The probes are recommend ed to be used in co mbina tion with on e of the Poseidon Pretreatment kits providing necessary reagents to perform FISH on various sample types for optimal results. (see also www.kreatech.com and look for Kits & reagents)
Reagent: The Po se idon Satellite Enumeration probes are direct-lab eled D NA pro bes provided in a 5x conce ntrated format in a choice of the fo llowing fluorophores: Pla tinu mBright495 Green Pla tinu mBright550 Red Pla tinu mBright415 Blu e (available on reque st) For FISH the probes need to be diluted with the supplied hybridization buffer. For hybrid izatio n u se 2 parts o f probe + 8 parts of FISH Hybridization Buffer (FHB). To mix several Satellite En umeration Pro bes replace 2 pa rts of FHB with 2 parts of another p ro be.
Please refer to the Ins tructions for Use for the e ntir e Poseidon FISH protocol.
Note: For tissue hybridization use PTB (Paraffin Tis sue Hybridization Buffer).
Inte rpretation: Satellite Enumeration Probes will cover the centro meric re gion of individual or several chromosomes. Ga in of chromosomes will be observed by additional signals, lo ss of chromosomes by lack of the SE specific signal. In normal cells two signals will be visible fo r Autosomes an d the X Chromoso me in females, wh ile in male s one signal for the X and Y chromosome will be visible.
Информация для заказа
Область использования: | Производство: | Kreatech |
Метод: | FISH |
Объем: | 10 тестов |
Кат. номер: | KBI-20018 |
Цена (с НДС 20%): | по запросу | В корзину  |
Наименование: Центромерные ДНК-зонды SE 18 (D18Z1), цвета флуорохромов - green или red / SE 18 (D18Z1). Примечание: Цвет зондов: green, red, or blue |