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  Мультиплексный анализ  
   Оборудование для мультиплексного    анализа
   · Luminex FlexMAP 3D
   · Luminex 200
   · Luminex MagPix
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   · Генотипирование антигенов
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/ Каталог / Мультиплексный анализ / Технология xMAP / Список публикаций по применению технологии x-MAP

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Список публикаций по применению технологии x-MAP

Abbott BD, Buckalew AR, Leffler KE, 2005, Effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-alpha (TGFalpha), and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on fusion of embryonic palates in serum-free organ culture using wild-type, EGF knockout, and TGFalpha knockout mouse strains.  Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol, 73(6):447-54

Adams J, Kiss E, Arroyo AB, Bonrouhi M, Sun Q, Li Z, Gretz N, Schnitger A, Zouboulis CC, Wiesel M, Wagner J, Nelson PJ, Grone HJ., 2005, 13-cis retinoic acid inhibits development and progression of chronic allograft nephropathy.  Am J Pathol., 167(1):285-98

Ait-Ghezala G, Mathura VS, Laporte V, Quadros A, Paris D, Patel N, Volmar CH, Kolippakkam D, Crawford F, Mullan M, 2005, Genomic regulation after CD40 stimulation in microglia: relevance to Alzheimer's disease.  Brain Res Mol Brain Res., 140(1-2):73-85

Arroyo CM, Burman DL, Sweeney RE, Broomfield CA, Ross MC, Hackley B Jr, 2004, Neutralization effects of interleukin-6 (IL-6) antibodies on sulfur mustard (HD)-induced IL-6 secretion on human epidermal keratinocytes.  ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 17(2):87-94

Austin BA, James C, Silverman RH, Carr DJ, 2005, Critical role for the oligoadenylate synthetase/RNase L pathway in response to IFN-beta during acute ocular herpes simplex virus type 1 infection.  J Immunol., 175(2):1100-6

Bao W, Hu E, Tao L, Boyce R, Mirabile R, Thudium DT, Ma XL, Willette RN, Yue TL, 2004, Inhibition of Rho-kinase protects the heart against ischemia/reperfusion injury.  CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 61(3):548-58

Barker CL, McHale MT, Gillies AK, Waller J, Pearce DM, Osborne J, Hutchinson PE, Smith GM, Pringle JH, 2004, The development and characterization of an in vitro model of psoriasis.  JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, 123(5):892-901

Bartosh SM, Knechtle SJ, Sollinger HW, 2005, Campath-1H use in pediatric renal transplantation.  Am J Transplant, 5(6):1569-73

Beardmore VA, Hinton HJ, Eftychi C, Apostolaki M, Armaka M, Darragh J, McIlrath J, Carr JM, Armit LJ, Clacher C, Malone L, Kollias G, Arthur JS, 2005, Generation and characterization of p38beta (MAPK11) gene-targeted mice.  Mol Cell Biol., 25(23):10454-64

Bharadwaj U, Zhang R, Yang H, Li M, Doan LX, Chen C, Yao Q, 2005, Effects of cyclophilin A on myeloblastic cell line KG-1 derived dendritic like cells (DLC) through p38 MAP kinase activation.  J Surg Res., 127(1):29-38

Bjursten M, Bland PW, Willen R, Hornquist EH, 2005, Long-term treatment with anti-alpha 4 integrin antibodies aggravates colitis in G alpha i2-deficient mice.  Eur J Immunol., 35(8):2274-83

Bjursten M, Hoernquist EH, 2005, Dietary antigen-specific T-cell responses: switch from an interleukin-10-dominated response in normal mice to a T-helper 1 cytokine profile in Galphai2-deficient mice prior to colitis.  Scand J Immunol, 61(1):29-35

Bobrowski WF, McDuffie JE, Sobocinski G, Chupka J, Olle E, Bowman A, Albassam M, 2005, Comparative methods for multiplex analysis of cytokine protein expression in plasma of lipopolysaccaharide-treated mice.  Cytokine, 32(5):194-8

Bolin LM, Zhaung A, Strychkarska-Orczyk I, Nelson E, Huang I, Malit M, Nguyen Q, 2005, Differential inflammatory activation of IL-6 (-/-) astrocytes.  Cytokine, 30(2):47-55

Bonfield TL, John N, Barna BP, Kavuru MS, Thomassen MJ, Yen-Lieberman B, 2005, Multiplexed particle-based anti-granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor assay used as pulmonary diagnostic test.  Clin Diagn Lab Immunol, 12(7):821-4

Bonyhadi M, Frohlich M, Rasmussen A, Ferrand C, Grosmaire L, Robinet E, Leis J, Maziarz RT, Tiberghien P, Berenson RJ, 2005, In vitro engagement of CD3 and CD28 corrects T cell defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  J Immunol., 174(4):2366-75

Borges L, Kubin M, Kuhlman T, 2003, LIR9, an immunoglobulin-superfamily-activating receptor, is expressed as a transmembrane and as a secreted molecule.  Blood, 101(4): 1484-6

Brandt K, Bulfone-Paus S, Foster DC, Ruckert R, 2003, Interleukin-21 inhibits dendritic cell activation and maturation.  Blood, 102(12):4090-8

Brawand P, Fitzpatrick DR, Greenfield BW, Brasel K, Maliszewski CR, De Smedt T, 2002, Murine plasmacytoid pre-dendritic cells generated from Flt3 ligand-supplemented bone marrow cultures are immature APCs.  The Journal of Immunology, 169(12): 6711-9

Buliard A, Fortenfant F, Ghillani-Dalbin P, Musset L, Oksman F, Olsson NO, 2005, Analysis of nine autoantibodies associated with systemic autoimmune diseases using the Luminex technology. Results of a multicenter study  Ann Biol Clin (Paris). , 63(1):51-8

Burne-Taney MJ, Yokota N, Rabb H, 2005, Persistent renal and extrarenal immune changes after severe ischemic injury.  KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL, 67(3):1002-9

Burne-Taney MJ, Yokota-Ikeda N, Rabb H, 2005, Effects of combined T- and B-cell deficiency on murine ischemia reperfusion injury.  Am J Transplant, 5(6):1186-93

Carson RT, Vignali DAA, 1999, Simultaneous quantitation of 15 cytokines using a multiplexed flow cytometric assay.  Journal of Immunological Methods, 227: 41-52

Carter V, Shenton BK, Jaques B, Turner D, Talbot D, Gupta A, Chapman CE, Matthews CJ, Cavanagh G, 2005, Vimentin antibodies: a non-HLA antibody as a potential risk factor in renal transplantation.  Transplant Proc, 37(2):654-7

Castle PE, Phillips TM, Hildesheim A, Herrero R, Bratti MC, Rodriguez AC, Morera LA, Pfeiffer R, Hutchinson ML, Pinto LA, Schiffman M, 2003, Immune profiling of plasma and cervical secretions using recycling immunoaffinity chromatography.  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev., 12(12):1449-56

Celis JE, Moreira JM, Cabezon T, Gromov P, Friis E, Rank F, Gromova I, 2005, Identification of extracellular and intracellular signaling components of the mammary adipose tissue and its interstitial fluid in high risk breast cancer patients: toward dissecting the molecular circuitry of epithelial-adipocyte stromal cell interactions.  Mol Cell Proteomics, 4(4):492-522

Chandler DP, Jarrell AE, 2005, Taking arrays from the lab to the field: trying to make sense of the unknown.  Biotechniques, 38(4):591-600

Chessell IP, Hatcher JP, Bountra C, Michel AD, Hughes JP, Green P, Egerton J, Murfin M, Richardson J, Peck WL, Grahames CB, Casula MA, Yiangou Y, Birch R, Anand P, Buell GN, 2005, Disruption of the P2X7 purinoceptor gene abolishes chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain.  Pain, 114(3):386-96

Chevalier E, Stock J, Fisher T, Dupont M, Fric M, Fargeau H, Leport M, Soler S, Fabien S, Pruniaux MP, Fink M, Bertrand CP, McNeish J, Li B, 2005, Cutting edge: chemoattractant receptor-homologous molecule expressed on Th2 cells plays a restricting role on IL-5 production and eosinophil recruitment.  J Immunol, 175(4):2056-60

Comeau MR, Van der Vuurst de Vries AR, Maliszewski CR, Galibert L, 2002, CD123bright plasmacytoid predendritic cells: progenitors undergoing cell fate conversion?  J Immunol, 169(1):75-83

Coutinho HM, McGarvey ST, Acosta LP, Manalo DL, Langdon GC, Leenstra T, Kanzaria HK, Solomon J, Wu H, Olveda RM, Kurtis JD, Friedman JF, 2005, Nutritional status and serum cytokine profiles in children, adolescents, and young adults with Schistosoma japonicum-associated hepatic fibrosis, in Leyte, Philippines.  J Infect Dis, 192(3):528-36

Cui X, Moayeri M, Li Y, Li X, Haley M, Fitz Y, Correa-Araujo R, Banks SM, Leppla SH, Eichacker PQ, 2004, Lethality during continuous anthrax lethal toxin infusion is associated with circulatory shock but not inflammatory cytokine or nitric oxide release in rats.  Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 286(4):R699-709

Cumberbatch M, Clelland K, Dearman RJ, Kimber I, 2005, Impact of cutaneous IL-10 on resident epidermal Langerhans' cells and the development of polarized immune responses.  J Immunol, 175(1):43-50

Cummings KL, Tarleton RL, 2004, Inducible nitric oxide synthase is not essential for control of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice.  Infection and Immunity, 72(7):4081-9

Curnow SJ, Wloka K, Faint JM, Amft N, Cheung CM, Savant V, Lord J, Akbar AN, Buckley CD, Murray PI, Salmon M, 2004, Topical glucocorticoid therapy directly induces up-regulation of functional CXCR4 on primed T lymphocytes in the aqueous humor of patients with uveitis.  JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 172(11):7154-61

Dasso J, Lee J, Bach H, Mage RG, 2002, A comparison of ELISA and flow microsphere-based assays for quantification of immunoglobulins.  Journal of Immunological Methods, 263: 23-33

Davoodi-Semiromi A, Laloraya M, Kumar GP, Purohit S, Jha RK, She JX, 2004, A mutant Stat5b with weaker DNA binding affinity defines a key defective pathway in nonobese diabetic mice.  J Biol Chem, 279(12):11553-6

DeAngelis RA, Markiewski MM, Taub R, Lambris JD, 2005, A high-fat diet impairs liver regeneration in C57BL/6 mice through overexpression of the NF-kappaB inhibitor, IkappaBalpha.  Hepatology, 42(5):1148-57

Dearman RJ, Bhushan M, Cumberbatch M, Kimber I, Griffiths CE, 2004, Measurement of cytokine expression and Langerhans cell migration in human skin following suction blister formation.  EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY, 13(7):452-60

Deml L, Aigner M, Decker J, Eckhardt A, Schutz C, Mittl PR, Barabas S, Denk S, Knoll G, Lehn N, Schneider-Brachert W, 2005, Characterization of the Helicobacter pylori cysteine-rich protein A as a T-helper cell type 1 polarizing agent.  Infect Immun, 73(8):4732-42

Desai N, Wu H, George K, Gonda SR, Cucinotta FA, 2004, Simultaneous measurement of multiple radiation-induced protein expression profiles using the Luminex[TM] system.  Adv Space Res, 34(6):1362-7

Di Nisio M, Niers TM, Reitsma PH, Buller HR, 2005, Plasma cytokine and P-selectin levels in advanced malignancy: prognostic value and impact of low-molecular weight heparin administration.  Cancer, 104(10):2275-81

Diedrichs-Mohring M, Nelson PJ, Proudfoot AE, Thurau SR, Wildner G, 2005, The effect of the CC chemokine receptor antagonist Met-RANTES on experimental autoimmune uveitis and oral tolerance.  J Neuroimmunol, 164(1-2):22-30

Dixit VD, Schaffer EM, Pyle RS, Collins GD, Sakthivel SK, Palaniappan R, Lillard JW Jr, Taub DD, 2004, Ghrelin inhibits leptin- and activation-induced proinflammatory cytokine expression by human monocytes and T cells.  Journal of Clinical Investigation, 114(1):57-66

Droemann D, Albrecht D, Gerdes J, Ulmer AJ, Branscheid D, Vollmer E, Dalhoff K, Zabel P, Goldmann T, 2005, Human lung cancer cells express functionally active Toll-like receptor 9.  RESPIRATORY RESEARCH, 6(1):1

Duthoit CT, Mekala DJ, Alli RS, Geiger TL, 2005, Uncoupling of IL-2 Signaling from Cell Cycle Progression in Naive CD4+ T Cells by Regulatory CD4+CD25+ T Lymphocytes  Journal of Immunology, 174(1):155-63

Duthoit CT, Nguyen P, Geiger TL, 2004, Antigen nonspecific suppression of T cell responses by activated stimulation-refractory CD4+ T cells.  Journal of Immunology, 172(4):2238-46

Edwards BS, Oprea T, Prossnitz ER, Sklar LA, 2004, Flow cytometry for high-throughput, high-content screening.  Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 8: 392-398

Efimova E, Martinez O, Lokshin A, Arima T, Prabhakar BS, 2003, IG20, a MADD splice variant, increases cell susceptibility to gamma-irradiation and induces soluble mediators that suppress tumor cell growth.  Cancer Research, 63: 8768-8776

Elkord E, Williams PE, Kynaston H, Rowbottom AW, 2005, Human monocyte isolation methods influence cytokine production from in vitro generated dendritic cells.  Immunology, 114(2):204-12

Elkord E, Williams PE, Kynaston H, Rowbottom AW, 2005, Differential CTLs specific for prostate-specific antigen in healthy donors and patients with prostate cancer.  Int Immunol., 17(10):1315-25

Entenza JM, Loeffler JM, Grandgirard D, Fischetti VA, Moreillon P, 2005, Therapeutic effects of bacteriophage Cpl-1 lysin against Streptococcus pneumoniae endocarditis in rats.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 49(11):4789-92

Eriksson A, Lycke N, 2003, The CTA1-DD vaccine adjuvant binds to human B cells and potentiates their T cell stimulating ability.  Vaccine, 22(2):185-93

Eystathioy T, Chan EK, Mahler M, Luft LM, Fritzler ML, Fritzler MJ, 2003, A panel of monoclonal antibodies to cytoplasmic GW bodies and the mRNA binding protein GW182.  Hybrid Hybridomics, 22(2):79-86

Fahey JV, Schaefer TM, Channon JY, Wira CR, 2005, Secretion of cytokines and chemokines by polarized human epithelial cells from the female reproductive tract.  Human Reproduction, Epub

Fields WR, Leonard RM, Odom PS, Nordskog BK, Ogden MW, Doolittle DJ, 2005, Gene expression in normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells following in vitro exposure to cigarette smoke condensate.  Toxicol Sci, 86(1):84-91. Ep

Firoved AM, Miller GF, Moayeri M, Kakkar R, Shen Y, Wiggins JF, McNally EM, Tang WJ, Leppla SH, 2005, Bacillus anthracis edema toxin causes extensive tissue lesions and rapid lethality in mice.  Am J Pathol, 167(5):1309-20

Foley JE, Jung U, Miera A, Borenstein T, Mariotti J, Eckhaus M, Bierer BE, Fowler DH, 2005, Ex vivo rapamycin generates donor Th2 cells that potently inhibit graft-versus-host disease and graft-versus-tumor effects via an IL-4-dependent mechanism.  J Immunol, 175(9):5732-43

Fonseca-Aten M, Rios AM, Mejias A, Chavez-Bueno S, Katz K, Gomez AM, McCracken GH Jr, Hardy RD, 2005, Mycoplasma pneumoniae induces host-dependent pulmonary inflammation and airway obstruction in mice.  Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 32(3):201-10

Foster-Cuevas M, Wright GJ, Puklavec MJ, Brown MH, Barclay AN, 2004, Human herpesvirus 8 K14 protein mimics CD200 in down-regulating macrophage activation through CD200 receptor.  JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, 78(14):7667-76

Frankenberger B, Pohla H, Noessner E, Willimsky G, Papier B, Pezzutto A, Kopp J, Oberneder R, Blankenstein T, Schendel DJ, 2005, Influence of CD80, interleukin-2, and interleukin-7 expression in human renal cell carcinoma on the expansion, function, and survival of tumor-specific CTLs.  CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 11(5):1733-42

Galindo CL, Fadl AA, Sha J, Chopra AK, 2004, Microarray analysis of Aeromonas hydrophila cytotoxic enterotoxin-treated murine primary macrophages.  Infect Immun, 72(9):5439-45

Galindo CL, Fadl AA, Sha J, Pillai L, Gutierrez C Jr, Chopra AK, 2004, Microarray and proteomics analyses of human intestinal epithelial cells treated with the Aeromonas hydrophila cytotoxic enterotoxin.  Infection and Immunity, 73(5):2628-43

Gall JM, Davol PA, Grabert RC, Deaver M, Lum LG, 2005, T cells armed with anti-CD3 x anti-CD20 bispecific antibody enhance killing of CD20+ malignant B cells and bypass complement-mediated rituximab resistance in vitro.  Exp Hematol, 33(4):452-9

Geiger C, Regn S, Weinzierl A, Noessner E, Schendel DJ, 2005, A generic RNA-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine strategy for renal cell carcinoma.  J Transl Med, 3:29

Gemma C, Fister M, Hudson C, Bickford PC, 2005, Improvement of memory for context by inhibition of caspase-1 in aged rats.  Eur J Neurosci, 22(7):1751-6

George TC, Bilsborough J, Viney JL, Norment AM, 2003, High antigen dose and activated dendritic cells enable Th cells to escape regulatory T cell-mediated suppression in vitro.  Eur J Immunol, 33(2): 502-11

Giavedoni LD, 2005, Simultaneous detection of multiple cytokines and chemokines from nonhuman primates using luminex technology.  J Immunol Methods, 301(1-2):89-101

Gires O, Munz M, Schaffrik M, Kieu C, Rauch J, Ahlemann M, Eberle D, Mack B, Wollenberg B, Lang S, Hofmann T, Hammerschmidt W, Zeidler R, 2004, Profile identification of disease-associated humoral antigens using AMIDA, a novel proteomics-based technology  CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES, 61(10):1198-207

Gordon RF, McDade RL, 1997, Multiplexed quantification of human IgG, IgA, and IgM with the Flowmetrix system.  Clinical Chemistry, 43: 1799-1801

Goudy KS, Burkhardt BR, Wasserfall C, Song S, Campbell-Thompson ML, Brusko T, Powers MA, Clare-Salzler MJ, Sobel ES, Ellis TM, Flotte TR, Atkinson MA, 2003, Systemic overexpression of IL-10 induces CD4+ CD25+ cell populations in vivo and ameliorates Type I Diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice in a dose-dependent fashion.  The Journal of Immunology, 171: 2270-2278

Grivel JC, Garcia M, Moss WJ, Margolis LB, 2005, Inhibition of HIV-1 replication in human lymphoid tissues ex vivo by measles virus.  J Infect Dis, 192(1):71-8

Guerrero-Plata A, Casola A, Garofalo RP, 2005, Human metapneumovirus induces a profile of lung cytokines distinct from that of respiratory syncytial virus.  J Virol, 79(23):14992-7

Hamrick MW, Della-Fera MA, Choi YH, Pennington C, Hartzell D, Baile CA, 2005, Leptin Treatment Induces Loss of Bone Marrow Adipocytes and Increases Bone Formation in Leptin-Deficient ob/ob Mice.  J Bone Miner Res, 20(6):994-1001

Hansson O, Zetterberg H, Buchhave P, Londos E, Blennow K, Minthon L, 2006, Association between CSF biomarkers and incipient Alzheimer's disease in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a follow-up study.  Lancet Neurol, 5(3):228-34

Happel KI, Dubin PJ, Zheng M, Ghilardi N, Lockhart C, Quinton LJ, Odden AR, Shellito JE, Bagby GJ, Nelson S, Kolls JK., 2005, Divergent roles of IL-23 and IL-12 in host defense against Klebsiella pneumoniae.  J Exp Med, 202(6):761-9

Happel KI, Lockhart EA, Mason CM, Porretta E, Keoshkerian E, Odden AR, Nelson S, Ramsay AJ, 2005, Pulmonary interleukin-23 gene delivery increases local T-cell immunity and controls growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lungs.  Infect Immun, 73(9):5782-8

Hart JP, Broadwater G, Rabbani Z, Moeller BJ, Clough R, Huang D, Sempowski GA, Dewhirst M, Pizzo SV, Vujaskovic Z, Anscher MS, 2005, Cytokine profiling for prediction of symptomatic radiation-induced lung injury.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 63(5):1448-54

Hartl D, Griese M, Nicolai T, Zissel G, Prell C, Konstantopoulos N, Gruber R, Reinhardt D, Schendel DJ, Krauss-Etschmann S, 2005, Pulmonary chemokines and their receptors differentiate children with asthma and chronic cough.  J Allergy Clin Immunol, 115(4):728-36

Hartmann E, Wollenberg B, Rothenfusser S, Wagner M, Wellisch D, Mack B, Giese T, Gires O, Endres S, Hartmann G, 2003, Identification and functional analysis of tumor-infiltrating plasmacytoid dendritic cells in head and neck cancer.  Cancer Res, 63(19):6478-87

Hartwig MG, Appel JZ, Li B, Hsieh CC, Yoon YH, Lin SS, Irish W, Parker W, Davis RD, 2006, Chronic aspiration of gastric fluid accelerates pulmonary allograft dysfunction in a rat model of lung transplantation.  J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. , 131(1):209-17

Hasegawa K, Martin F, Huang G, Tumas D, Diehl L, Chan AC, 2004, PEST domain-enriched tyrosine phosphatase (PEP) regulation of effector/memory T cells.  Science, 303: 685-689

Hausl C, Ahmad RU, Sasgary M, Doering CB, Lollar P, Richter G, Schwarz HP, Turecek PL, Reipert BM, 2005, High-dose factor VIII inhibits factor VIII-specific memory B cells in hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitors.  Blood, 106(10):3415-22

Hausl C, Ahmad RU, Schwarz HP, Muchitsch EM, Turecek PL, Dorner F, Reipert BM, 2004, Preventing restimulation of memory B cells in hemophilia A: a potential new strategy for the treatment of antibody-dependent immune disorders.  Blood, 104(1):115-22

Hensley K, Fedynyshyn J, Ferrell S, Floyd RA, Gordon B, Grammas P, Hamdheydari L, Mhatre M, Mou S, Pye QN, Stewart C, West M, West S, Williamson KS, 2003, Message and protein-level elevation of tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa) and TNFa-modulating cytokines in spinal cords of the G93A-SOD1 mouse model for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  Neurobiology of Disease, 14: 74-80

Heuer JG, Sharma GR, Gerlitz B, Zhang T, Bailey DL, Ding C, Berg DT, Perkins D, Stephens EJ, Holmes KC, Grubbs RL, Fynboe KA, Chen YF, Grinnell B, Jakubowski JA, 2004, Evaluation of protein C and other biomarkers as predictors of mortality in a rat cecal ligation and puncture model of sepsis.  Crit Care Med, 32(7):1620-1

Hildesheim A, Ryan RL, Rinehart E, Nayak S, Wallace D, Castle PE, Niwa S, Kopp W, 2002, Simultaneous measurement of several cytokines using small volumes of biospecimens.  Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 11: 1477-1484

Hoekstra WJ, Patel HS, Liang X, Blanc JB, Heyer DO, Willson TM, Iannone MA, Kadwell SH, Miller LA, Pearce KH, Simmons CA, Shearin J, 2005, Discovery of novel quinoline-based estrogen receptor ligands using peptide interaction profiling.  J Med Chem, 48(6):2243-7

Hoglund K, Syversen S, Lewczuk P, Wallin A, Wiltfang J, Blennow K, 2005, Statin treatment and a disease-specific pattern of beta-amyloid peptides in Alzheimer's disease.  Exp Brain Res, 164(2):205-14

Hoglund K, Thelen KM, Syversen S, Sjogren M, von Bergmann K, Wallin A, Vanmechelen E, Vanderstichele H, Lutjohann D, Blennow K, 2005, The effect of Simvastatin treatment on the Amyloid Precursor Protein and brain cholesterol metabolism in patients with Alzheimer's disease.  Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 19: 256-265

Howell MD, Novak N, Bieber T, Pastore S, Girolomoni G, Boguniewicz M, Streib J, Wong C, Gallo RL, Leung DY, 2005, Interleukin-10 downregulates anti-microbial peptide expression in atopic dermatitis.  J Invest Dermatol, 125(4):738-45

Hu H, Aizenstein BD, Puchalski A, Burmania JA, Hamawy MM, Knechtle SJ, 2004, Elevation of CXCR3-binding chemokines in urine indicates acute renal-allograft dysfunction.  American Journal of Transplantation, 4: 432-437

Hua QY, Jin NY, Xu ZZ, Yang YQ, Dong J, Yang JY, Zhou XL, 2004, [Expressing of N gene encoding nucleocapsid protein of vesicular stomatitis virus and elementary application in ELISA]  Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao, 20(1):130-5

Hudson CA, Mondal TK, Cao L, Kasten-Jolly J, Huber VC, Lawrence DA, 2005, The dietary supplement ephedrine induces beta-adrenergic mediated exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus in NZM391 mice.  Lupus, 14(4):293-307

Hulse RE, Kunkler PE, Fedynyshyn JP, Kraig RP, 2004, Optimization of multiplexed bead-based cytokine immunoassays for rat serum and brain tissue.  Journal of Neuroscience Method, 136: 87-98

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