ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
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/ Каталог / Протеомика / Белки / Ферменты и наборы для измерения ферментативной активности



Протеинкиназы - ферменты, катализирующие присоединение фосфатных групп к остаткам серина, тирозина или треонина к полипептидной цепи. Результатом данной реакции обычно является изменение белка-мишени, активности ферментов, локализации в клетке или взаимодействия с другими белками.

Большинство протеинкиназ фосфорилируют остатки серина и треонина. Некоторые протеиновые киназы могут фосфорилировать остатки других аминокислот. Существуют также киназы двойной специфичности, которые могут фосфорилировать все остатки аминокислот.

Активность протеинкиназ в клетке тщательно регулируется.

14-3-3 (3 продукта): PKA-238, PKA-253, PKA-254

ERK/MAPK (4 продукта): PKA-212, PKA-213, PKA-214, PKA-215

LYVE1 (4 продукта): PKA-250, PKA-252, PKA-251

TIE1, TIE2 (4 продукта): PKA-246, PKA-247, PKA-248, PKA-249

Гексокиназа (4 продукта): PKA-226, PKA-227, PKA-229, PKA-236

Казеин киназа-2 (5 продуктов): PKA-208, PKA-225, PKA-209, PKA-210, PKA-211

Креатин киназы (6 продуктов): CKI-268, CKI-269, CKI-270, CKI-273, CKI-271, CKI-272

Протеинкиназа-А (6 продуктов): PKA-200, PKA-201, PKA-202, PKA-203, PKA-204, PKA-205

Протеинкиназа-С (7 продуктов): PKA-218, PKA-318, PKA-319, PKA-320, PKA-321, PKA-322, PKA-324

Протеинкиназы (31 продукта): PKA-305, PKA-306, PKA-325, PKA-310, PKA-323, PKA-341, PKA-311, PKA-307, PKA-317, PKA-308, PKA-309, PKA-312, PKA-237, PKA-220, PKA-314, PKA-216, PKA-337, PKA-217, PKA-207, PKA-206, PKA-339, PKA-228, PKA-334, PKA-221, ENZ-288, PKA-315, PKA-316, ENZ-315, PKA-255

Рецептор EGF (3 продукта): PKA-344, PKA-335, PKA-336

Рецепторы FGF (4 продукта): PKA-344, PKA-231, PKA-232, PKA-233

Рецепторы VEGF (10 продуктов): PKA-240, PKA-338, PKA-234, PKA-235, PKA-239, PKA-241, PKA-242, PKA-243, PKA-244, PKA-245

Тирозин киназы (3 продукта): PKA-340, PKA-343, PKA-342

Фосфатазы (9 продуктов): PKA-224, PKA-219, PKA-222

Фосфоинозитид-3-киназы (7 продуктов): PKA-327, PKA-328, PKA-329, PKA-330, PKA-331, PKA-332, PKA-333

Информация для заказа

Страницы: 1 / 2
Наименование ОбъемПроизводствоМетод Кат.Номер
Human Creatine Kinase Muscle  10 мгProSpec  CKI-273 
Human Creatine Kinase Muscle  200µgProSpec  CKI-273 
Human Creatine Kinase Muscle  1 мгProSpec  CKI-273 
Recombinant bovine Phosphoinositide 3-kinase alpha p110a/p85a  1µgProSpec  PKA-327 
Recombinant bovine Phosphoinositide 3-kinase alpha p110a/p85a  5µgProSpec  PKA-327 
Recombinant bovine Phosphoinositide 3-kinase alpha p110a/p85a  2.5µgProSpec  PKA-327 
Recombinant bovine Phosphoinositide 3-kinase a, regulatory subunit  20µgProSpec  PKA-328 
Recombinant bovine Phosphoinositide 3-kinase a, regulatory subunit  10µgProSpec  PKA-328 
Recombinant bovine Phosphoinositide 3-kinase a, regulatory subunit  2µgProSpec  PKA-328 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A catalytic subunit alpha  100µgProSpec  PKA-200 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A catalytic subunit alpha  1µgProSpec  PKA-200 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A catalytic subunit alpha  5µgProSpec  PKA-200 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit 2 alpha  1µgProSpec  PKA-204 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit 2 alpha  100µgProSpec  PKA-204 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit 2 alpha  3µgProSpec  PKA-204 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit-1 alpha  100µgProSpec  PKA-201 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit-1 alpha  3µgProSpec  PKA-201 
Recombinant c-AMP dependant Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit-1 alpha  1µgProSpec  PKA-201 
Recombinant E.Coli Acetate Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-063 
Recombinant E.Coli Acetate Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-063 
Recombinant E.Coli Acetate Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-063 
Recombinant E.coli Glucokinase  5µgProSpec  pka-059 
Recombinant E.coli Glucokinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-059 
Recombinant E.coli Glucokinase  20µgProSpec  pka-059 
Recombinant E.Coli Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-034 
Recombinant E.Coli Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-034 
Recombinant E.Coli Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-034 
Recombinant E.Coli Pantothenate Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-022 
Recombinant E.Coli Pantothenate Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-022 
Recombinant E.Coli Pantothenate Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-022 
Recombinant E.Coli Pyruvate Kinase I  5µgProSpec  pka-028 
Recombinant E.Coli Pyruvate Kinase I  20µgProSpec  pka-028 
Recombinant E.Coli Pyruvate Kinase I  1 мгProSpec  pka-028 
Recombinant E.Coli Thermosensitive Gluconokinase  20µgProSpec  pka-060 
Recombinant E.Coli Thermosensitive Gluconokinase  5µgProSpec  pka-060 
Recombinant E.Coli Thermosensitive Gluconokinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-060 
Recombinant Human Mevalonate Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-052 
Recombinant Human Mevalonate Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-052 
Recombinant Human Mevalonate Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-052 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase beta P110β/p85a  1µgProSpec  PKA-333 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase beta P110β/p85a  2.5µgProSpec  PKA-333 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase beta P110β/p85a  5µgProSpec  PKA-333 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110d/p85a  10µgProSpec  PKA-330 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110d/p85a  1µgProSpec  PKA-330 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110d/p85a  5µgProSpec  PKA-330 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110g inactive mutant  1µgProSpec  PKA-331 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110g inactive mutant  2.5µgProSpec  PKA-331 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110g inactive mutant  5µgProSpec  PKA-331 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110g  10µgProSpec  PKA-329 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110g  5µgProSpec  PKA-329 
Recombinant Human Phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110g  1µgProSpec  PKA-329 
Recombinant Human A Kinase Anchor Protein 7  2µgProSpec  pka-030 
Recombinant Human A Kinase Anchor Protein 7  10µgProSpec  pka-030 
Recombinant Human A Kinase Anchor Protein 7  1 мгProSpec  pka-030 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-1  10µgProSpec  pka-019 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-1  2µgProSpec  pka-019 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-1  1 мгProSpec  pka-019 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-2  2µgProSpec  PKA-306 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-2  10µgProSpec  PKA-306 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-3  5µgProSpec  pka-270 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-3  20µgProSpec  pka-270 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-3  1 мгProSpec  pka-270 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-4  1 мгProSpec  pka-006 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-4  10µgProSpec  pka-006 
Recombinant Human Activating Transcription Factor-4  2µgProSpec  pka-006 
Recombinant Human Active Focal Adhesion Kinase  1µgProSpec  PKA-312 
Recombinant Human Active Focal Adhesion Kinase  5µgProSpec  PKA-312 
Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor, Type IB  2µgProSpec  PKA-366 
Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor, Type IB  10µgProSpec  PKA-366 
Recombinant Human Adenosine Kinase  1 мгProSpec  PKA-367 
Recombinant Human Adenosine Kinase  2µgProSpec  PKA-367 
Recombinant Human Adenosine Kinase  10µgProSpec  PKA-367 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-316 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 1  1 мгProSpec  pka-316 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 1  25µgProSpec  pka-316 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 2  10µgProSpec  PKA-260 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 2  2µgProSpec  PKA-260 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 2  1 мгProSpec  PKA-260 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 3 Like 1  20µgProSpec  PKA-346 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 3 Like 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-346 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 3 Like 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-346 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 4  20µgProSpec  pka-267 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 4  1 мгProSpec  pka-267 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 4  5µgProSpec  pka-267 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 5  10µgProSpec  pka-011 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 5  1 мгProSpec  pka-011 
Recombinant Human Adenylate Kinase 5  2µgProSpec  pka-011 
Recombinant Human Aurora Kinase A  2µgProSpec  PKA-350 
Recombinant Human Aurora Kinase A  10µgProSpec  PKA-350 
Recombinant Human Aurora Kinase A  1 мгProSpec  PKA-350 
Recombinant Human Aurora Kinase B  2µgProSpec  PKA-355 
Recombinant Human Aurora Kinase B  1 мгProSpec  PKA-355 
Recombinant Human Aurora Kinase B  10µgProSpec  PKA-355 
Recombinant Human B lymphoid tyrosine kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-271 
Recombinant Human B lymphoid tyrosine kinase  10µgProSpec  pka-271 
Recombinant Human B lymphoid tyrosine kinase  2µgProSpec  pka-271 
Recombinant Human Calcium and Integrin Binding 1  25µgProSpec  PKA-345 
Recombinant Human Calcium and Integrin Binding 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-345 
Recombinant Human Calcium and Integrin Binding 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-345 
Recombinant Human Calcium and Integrin Binding 2  1 мгProSpec  pka-268 
Recombinant Human Calcium and Integrin Binding 2  5µgProSpec  pka-268 
Recombinant Human Calcium and Integrin Binding 2  25µgProSpec  pka-268 
Recombinant Human Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Inhibitor 2  1 мгProSpec  PKA-311 
Recombinant Human Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Inhibitor 2  5µgProSpec  pka-311 
Recombinant Human Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Inhibitor 2  20µgProSpec  pka-311 
Recombinant Human Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase IV  1 мгProSpec  pka-021 
Recombinant Human Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase IV  2µgProSpec  pka-021 
Recombinant Human Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase IV  10µgProSpec  pka-021 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 1 alpha 1  5µgProSpec  pka-056 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 1 alpha 1  20µgProSpec  pka-056 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 1 alpha 1  1 мгProSpec  pka-056 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 1 Delta  20µgProSpec  pka-306 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 1 Delta  5µgProSpec  pka-306 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 1 Delta  1 мгProSpec  PKA-306 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 alpha 1  3µgProSpec  PKA-208 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 alpha 1  10µgProSpec  PKA-208 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 alpha 1  20µgProSpec  PKA-208 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 beta Active  10µgProSpec  PKA-209 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 beta Active  3µgProSpec  PKA-209 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 beta Active  20µgProSpec  PKA-209 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 beta  1 мгProSpec  PKA-223 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 beta  10µgProSpec  PKA-223 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 beta  2µgProSpec  PKA-223 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 Holoenzyme  3µgProSpec  PKA-211 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 Holoenzyme  10µgProSpec  PKA-211 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2 Holoenzyme  20µgProSpec  PKA-211 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2, Alpha 2 Prime  1 мгProSpec  pka-042 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2, Alpha 2 Prime  2µgProSpec  pka-042 
Recombinant Human Casein Kinase 2, Alpha 2 Prime  10µgProSpec  pka-042 
Recombinant Human CDC28 protein kinase 2  25µgProSpec  PKA-258 
Recombinant Human CDC28 protein kinase 2  5µgProSpec  PKA-258 
Recombinant Human CDC28 protein kinase 2  1 мгProSpec  PKA-258 
Recombinant Human c-erbB2  10µgProSpec  PKA-340 
Recombinant Human c-erbB2  2µgProSpec  PKA-340 
Recombinant Human c-erbB2  5µgProSpec  PKA-340 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Brain  1 мгProSpec  CKI-268 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Brain  50µgProSpec  CKI-268 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Brain  10µgProSpec  CKI-268 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Brain, His Tag  1 мгProSpec  CKI-274 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Brain, His Tag  5µgProSpec  CKI-274 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Brain, His Tag  20µgProSpec  CKI-274 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme Type-1  1 мгProSpec  CKI-269 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme Type-1  50µgProSpec  CKI-269 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme Type-1  10µgProSpec  CKI-269 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme Type-2  10µgProSpec  CKI-270 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme Type-2  50µgProSpec  CKI-270 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme Type-2  1 мгProSpec  CKI-270 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Muscle Type-1  10µgProSpec  CKI-271 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Muscle Type-1  50µgProSpec  CKI-271 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Muscle Type-1  1 мгProSpec  CKI-271 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Muscle Type-3  1 мгProSpec  CKI-272 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Muscle Type-3  10µgProSpec  CKI-272 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase Muscle Type-3  50µgProSpec  CKI-272 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 1A  5µgProSpec  cki-275 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 1A  1 мгProSpec  cki-275 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 1A  20µgProSpec  cki-275 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 2  1 мгProSpec  cki-276 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 2  20µgProSpec  cki-276 
Recombinant Human Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 2  5µgProSpec  cki-276 
Recombinant Human C-Src Tyrosine Kinase  10µgProSpec  pka-062 
Recombinant Human C-Src Tyrosine Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-062 
Recombinant Human C-Src Tyrosine Kinase  2µgProSpec  pka-062 
Recombinant Human C-SRC  2µgProSpec  PKA-317 
Recombinant Human C-SRC  10µgProSpec  PKA-317 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-A2  20µgProSpec  pka-033 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-A2  1 мгProSpec  pka-033 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-A2  5µgProSpec  pka-033 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-B1  100µgProSpec  pka-037 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-B1  2µgProSpec  pka-037 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-B1  10µgProSpec  pka-037 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-B2  2µgProSpec  pka-035 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-B2  10µgProSpec  pka-035 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-B2  1 мгProSpec  pka-035 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-C  2µgProSpec  PKA-311 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-C  10µgProSpec  PKA-311 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 16  5µgProSpec  pka-324 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 16  20µgProSpec  pka-324 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 16  1 мгProSpec  PKA-324 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 1  2µgProSpec  pka-065 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 1  10µgProSpec  pka-065 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 1  1 мгProSpec  pka-065 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Associated Protein 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-362 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Associated Protein 1  25µgProSpec  PKA-362 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Associated Protein 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-362 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Associated Protein 2  20µgProSpec  pka-048 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Associated Protein 2  5µgProSpec  pka-048 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Associated Protein 2  1 мгProSpec  pka-048 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Interacting Protein  5µgProSpec  pka-269 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Interacting Protein  1 мгProSpec  pka-269 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Interacting Protein  20µgProSpec  pka-269 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 2  1 мгProSpec  pka-008 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 2  2µgProSpec  pka-008 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 2  2µgProSpec  pka-066 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 2  1 мгProSpec  pka-066 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 2  10µgProSpec  pka-008 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 2  10µgProSpec  pka-066 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 3  10µgProSpec  pka-055 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 3  1 мгProSpec  pka-055 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 3  2µgProSpec  pka-055 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 4  2µgProSpec  PKA-325 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 4  10µgProSpec  PKA-325 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 4  1 мгProSpec  PKA-325 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 5  20µgProSpec  pka-047 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 5  1 мгProSpec  pka-047 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 5  5µgProSpec  pka-047 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 8  2µgProSpec  PKA-310 
Recombinant Human cyclin-dependent kinase 8  10µgProSpec  PKA-310 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A  2µgProSpec  pka-043 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A  10µgProSpec  pka-043 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A  100µgProSpec  pka-043 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1B  1 мгProSpec  pka-012 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1B  20µgProSpec  pka-012 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1B  5µgProSpec  pka-012 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A TAT  25µgProSpec  pka-337 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A TAT  1 мгProSpec  pka-337 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A TAT  5µgProSpec  PKA-337 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A  20µgProSpec  PKA-341 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A  5µgProSpec  PKA-341 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A  1 мгProSpec  PKA-341 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2C  1 мгProSpec  pka-020 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2C  5µgProSpec  pka-020 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2C  20µgProSpec  pka-020 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 3  20µgProSpec  pka-336 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 3  1 мгProSpec  pka-336 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 3  5µgProSpec  pka-336 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-H  1 мгProSpec  PKA-364 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-H  25µgProSpec  PKA-364 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-H  5µgProSpec  PKA-364 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-I  5µgProSpec  pka-318 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-I  1 мгProSpec  PKA-318 
Recombinant Human Cyclin-I  20µgProSpec  pka-318 
Recombinant Human Cytidine Monophosphate Kinase 1  1 мгProSpec  pka-002 
Recombinant Human Cytidine Monophosphate Kinase 1  20µgProSpec  pka-002 
Recombinant Human Cytidine Monophosphate Kinase 1  5µgProSpec  pka-002 
Recombinant Human Deoxycytidine Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-313 
Recombinant Human Deoxycytidine Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-313 
Recombinant Human Deoxycytidine Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-313 
Recombinant Human Deoxythymidylate Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-005 
Recombinant Human Deoxythymidylate Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-005 
Recombinant Human Deoxythymidylate Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-005 
Recombinant Human Dual-Specificity Tyrosine-(Y)-Phosphorylation Regulated 1A  20µgProSpec  pka-310 
Recombinant Human Dual-Specificity Tyrosine-(Y)-Phosphorylation Regulated 1A  1 мгProSpec  PKA-310 
Recombinant Human Dual-Specificity Tyrosine-(Y)-Phosphorylation Regulated 1A  5µgProSpec  pka-310 
Recombinant Human ELK-1  2µgProSpec  PKA-309 
Recombinant Human ELK-1  10µgProSpec  PKA-309 
Recombinant Human ELK-1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-309 
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Sf9 (ErbB1), Active  5µgProSpec  PKA-335 
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Sf9 (ErbB1), Active  20µgProSpec  PKA-335 
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Sf9 (ErbB1), Active  1µgProSpec  PKA-335 
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Sf9 (ErbB1), Active  50µgProSpec  pka-335 
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Sf9 (ErbB1)  2µgProSpec  PKA-344 
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Sf9 (ErbB1)  10µgProSpec  PKA-344 
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Sf9 (ErbB1)  100µgProSpec  PKA-344 
Recombinant Human Eukaryotic Elongation Factor-2 Kinase  10µgProSpec  pka-061 
Recombinant Human Eukaryotic Elongation Factor-2 Kinase  100µgProSpec  pka-061 
Recombinant Human Eukaryotic Elongation Factor-2 Kinase  2µgProSpec  pka-061 
Recombinant Human FGFR1 Oncogene Partner  10µgProSpec  pka-031 
Recombinant Human FGFR1 Oncogene Partner  1 мгProSpec  pka-031 
Recombinant Human FGFR1 Oncogene Partner  2µgProSpec  pka-031 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-1  2µgProSpec  PKA-230 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-1  10µgProSpec  PKA-230 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-230 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-2  2µgProSpec  PKA-231 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-2  10µgProSpec  PKA-231 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-2  1 мгProSpec  PKA-231 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-3  2µgProSpec  PKA-232 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-3  10µgProSpec  PKA-232 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-3  1 мгProSpec  PKA-232 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-4  2µgProSpec  PKA-233 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-4  1 мгProSpec  PKA-233 
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-4  10µgProSpec  PKA-233 
Recombinant Human Fructosamine 3 Kinase Related Protein  5µgProSpec  pka-051 
Recombinant Human Fructosamine 3 Kinase Related Protein  1 мгProSpec  pka-051 
Recombinant Human Fructosamine 3 Kinase Related Protein  20µgProSpec  pka-051 
Recombinant Human Fructosamine 3 Kinase  10µgProSpec  pka-049 
Recombinant Human Fructosamine 3 Kinase  2µgProSpec  pka-049 
Recombinant Human Fructosamine 3 Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-049 
Recombinant Human Galactokinase 1  20µgProSpec  PKA-264 
Recombinant Human Galactokinase 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-264 
Recombinant Human Galactokinase 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-264 
Recombinant Human Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta  2µgProSpec  PKA-320 
Recombinant Human Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta  1 мгProSpec  PKA-320 
Recombinant Human Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta  10µgProSpec  PKA-320 
Recombinant Human Guanylate Kinase 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-266 
Recombinant Human Guanylate Kinase 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-266 
Recombinant Human Guanylate Kinase 1  20µgProSpec  PKA-266 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-226 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-1  2µgProSpec  PKA-226 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-1  10µgProSpec  PKA-226 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-2  2µgProSpec  PKA-227 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-2  10µgProSpec  PKA-227 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-2  1 мгProSpec  PKA-227 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-3  1 мгProSpec  PKA-229 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-3  2µgProSpec  PKA-229 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-3  10µgProSpec  PKA-229 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-4  2µgProSpec  PKA-236 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-4  1 мгProSpec  PKA-236 
Recombinant Human Hexokinase-4  10µgProSpec  PKA-236 
Recombinant Human Hydroxylysine Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-064 
Recombinant Human Hydroxylysine Kinase  10µgProSpec  pka-064 
Recombinant Human Hydroxylysine Kinase  2µgProSpec  pka-064 
Recombinant Human Inositol-Tetrakisphosphate 1-Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-040 
Recombinant Human Inositol-Tetrakisphosphate 1-Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-040 
Recombinant Human Inositol-Tetrakisphosphate 1-Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-040 
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-I Receptor  2µgProSpec  PKA-237 
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-I Receptor  5µgProSpec  PKA-237 
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-I Receptor  10µgProSpec  PKA-237 
Recombinant Human Integrin Linked Kinase  2µgProSpec  PKA-353 
Recombinant Human Integrin Linked Kinase  1 мгProSpec  PKA-353 
Recombinant Human Integrin Linked Kinase  10µgProSpec  PKA-353 
Recombinant Human Janus Kinase 2  1 мгProSpec  PKA-321 
Recombinant Human Janus Kinase 2  20µgProSpec  pka-321 
Recombinant Human Janus Kinase 2  5µgProSpec  pka-321 
Recombinant Human JNK2/SAPK1  1µgProSpec  PKA-216 
Recombinant Human JNK2/SAPK1  5µgProSpec  PKA-216 
Recombinant Human JNK2/SAPK1  200µgProSpec  PKA-216 
Recombinant Human Jun N-terminal kinase 2, alpha 1  2µgProSpec  PKA-220 
Recombinant Human Jun N-terminal kinase 2, alpha 1  10µgProSpec  PKA-220 
Recombinant Human Jun Proto-Oncogene (1-241 a.a.)  1µgProSpec  pka-001 
Recombinant Human Jun Proto-Oncogene (1-241 a.a.)  5µgProSpec  pka-001 
Recombinant Human Jun Proto-Oncogene (1-241 a.a.)  50µgProSpec  pka-001 
Recombinant Human Jun Proto-Oncogene  1 мгProSpec  PKA-323 
Recombinant Human Jun Proto-Oncogene  2µgProSpec  PKA-323 
Recombinant Human Jun Proto-Oncogene  10µgProSpec  PKA-323 
Recombinant Human Ketohexokinase  1 мгProSpec  PKA-359 
Recombinant Human Ketohexokinase  25µgProSpec  PKA-359 
Recombinant Human Ketohexokinase  5µgProSpec  PKA-359 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Endothelial Hyluronan Receptor-1  5µgProSpec  PKA-252 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Endothelial Hyluronan Receptor-1  2µgProSpec  PKA-252 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Endothelial Hyluronan Receptor-1  10µgProSpec  PKA-252 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronic Acid Receptor 1 (25-235)  100µgProSpec  pka-349 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronic Acid Receptor 1 (25-235)  0.1mgProSpec  PKA-349 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronic Acid Receptor 1 (25-235)  2µgProSpec  PKA-349 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronic Acid Receptor 1 (25-235)  10µgProSpec  PKA-349 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronic Acid Receptor 1, Sf9  1 мгProSpec  PKA-250 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronic Acid Receptor 1, Sf9  2µgProSpec  PKA-250 
Recombinant Human Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronic Acid Receptor 1, Sf9  10µgProSpec  PKA-250 
Recombinant Human Mitogen Activated Kinase Kinase 1  1µgProSpec  PKA-256 
Recombinant Human Mitogen Activated Kinase Kinase 1  10µgProSpec  PKA-256 
Recombinant Human Mitogen Activated Kinase Kinase 1  50µgProSpec  pka-256 
Recombinant Human Mitogen Activated Kinase Kinase 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-256 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1 His Tag  25µgProSpec  PKA-360 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1 His Tag  5µgProSpec  PKA-360 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1 His Tag  1 мгProSpec  PKA-360 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1, Active  20µgProSpec  PKA-214 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1, Active  2µgProSpec  pka-214 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1, Active  10µgProSpec  pka-214 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1, Active  100µgProSpec  pka-214 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1, Active  1µgProSpec  PKA-214 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1, Active  5µgProSpec  PKA-214 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 11  1µgProSpec  pka-013 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 11  50µgProSpec  pka-013 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 11  5µgProSpec  pka-013 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 12  20µgProSpec  pka-015 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 12  1 мгProSpec  pka-015 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 12  5µgProSpec  pka-015 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 13  20µgProSpec  pka-273 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 13  5µgProSpec  pka-273 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 13  1 мгProSpec  pka-273 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 14  1 мгProSpec  pka-014 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 14  20µgProSpec  pka-014 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 14  5µgProSpec  pka-014 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1  100µgProSpec  pka-215 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1  2µgProSpec  pka-215 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1  20µgProSpec  PKA-215 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1  10µgProSpec  PKA-215 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1  3µgProSpec  PKA-215 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3 His Tag  1 мгProSpec  PKA-265 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3 His Tag  5µgProSpec  PKA-265 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3 His Tag  25µgProSpec  PKA-265 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3, Active  3µgProSpec  PKA-212 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3, Active  10µgProSpec  PKA-212 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3, Active  20µgProSpec  PKA-212 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3  3µgProSpec  PKA-213 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3  10µgProSpec  PKA-213 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3  20µgProSpec  PKA-213 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 9  1 мгProSpec  pka-039 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 9  5µgProSpec  pka-039 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 9  20µgProSpec  pka-039 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 2  1µgProSpec  pka-029 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 2  5µgProSpec  pka-029 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 2  50µgProSpec  pka-029 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 3  50µgProSpec  pka-004 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 3  5µgProSpec  pka-004 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 3  1µgProSpec  pka-004 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Activated Protein Kinase 3  5µgProSpec  pka-045 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Activated Protein Kinase 3  20µgProSpec  pka-045 
Recombinant Human Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Activated Protein Kinase 3  1 мгProSpec  pka-045 
Recombinant Human MOB Kinase Activator 1B  1 мгProSpec  pka-054 
Recombinant Human MOB Kinase Activator 1B  20µgProSpec  pka-054 
Recombinant Human MOB Kinase Activator 1B  5µgProSpec  pka-054 
Recombinant Human MOB Kinase Activator 3B  1 мгProSpec  PKA-319 
Recombinant Human MOB Kinase Activator 3B  2µgProSpec  PKA-319 
Recombinant Human MOB Kinase Activator 3B  10µgProSpec  PKA-319 
Recombinant Human N-Acetylglucosamine Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-027 
Recombinant Human N-Acetylglucosamine Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-027 
Recombinant Human N-Acetylglucosamine Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-027 
Recombinant Human NCK2  10µgProSpec  PKA-337 
Recombinant Human NCK2  2µgProSpec  PKA-337 
Recombinant Human NIMA-related kinase 7  5µgProSpec  pka-044 
Recombinant Human NIMA-related kinase 7  1 мгProSpec  pka-044 
Recombinant Human NIMA-related kinase 7  20µgProSpec  pka-044 
Recombinant Human Non-Metastatic Cells 2  25µgProSpec  PKA-363 
Recombinant Human Non-Metastatic Cells 2  1 мгProSpec  PKA-363 
Recombinant Human Non-Metastatic Cells 2  5µgProSpec  PKA-363 
Recombinant Human p21 Activated Kinase 4  1 мгProSpec  PKA-259 
Recombinant Human p21 Activated Kinase 4  5µgProSpec  PKA-259 
Recombinant Human p21 Activated Kinase 4  25µgProSpec  PKA-259 
Recombinant Human p38 alpha/SAPK2 alpha  1µgProSpec  PKA-217 
Recombinant Human p38 alpha/SAPK2 alpha  5µgProSpec  PKA-217 
Recombinant Human p38 alpha/SAPK2 alpha  20µgProSpec  PKA-217 
Recombinant Human PDZ Binding Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-024 
Recombinant Human PDZ Binding Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-024 
Recombinant Human PDZ Binding Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-024 
Recombinant Human Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma (1-477)  5µgProSpec  PKA-334 
Recombinant Human Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma (1-477)  2µgProSpec  PKA-334 
Recombinant Human Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma (1-477)  10µgProSpec  PKA-334 
Recombinant Human Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma  2µgProSpec  PKA-228 
Recombinant Human Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma  10µgProSpec  PKA-228 
Recombinant Human Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma  1 мгProSpec  PKA-228 
Recombinant Human Phosphatidylinositol-5-Phosphate 4-Kinase, Type II, Beta  1 мгProSpec  pka-053 
Recombinant Human Phosphatidylinositol-5-Phosphate 4-Kinase, Type II, Beta  10µgProSpec  pka-053 
Recombinant Human Phosphatidylinositol-5-Phosphate 4-Kinase, Type II, Beta  2µgProSpec  pka-053 
Recombinant Human Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1  1 мгProSpec  pka-018 
Recombinant Human Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1  2µgProSpec  pka-018 
Recombinant Human Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1  10µgProSpec  pka-018 
Recombinant Human Phosphofructokinase, Muscle  1 мгProSpec  PKA-365 
Recombinant Human Phosphofructokinase, Muscle  5µgProSpec  PKA-365 
Recombinant Human Phosphofructokinase, Muscle  20µgProSpec  PKA-365 
Recombinant Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-351 
Recombinant Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-351 
Recombinant Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1  25µgProSpec  PKA-351 
Recombinant Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase 2  10µgProSpec  pka-017 
Recombinant Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase 2  2µgProSpec  pka-017 
Recombinant Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase 2  1 мгProSpec  pka-017 
Recombinant Human Phosphomevalonate Kinase  20µgProSpec  pka-308 
Recombinant Human Phosphomevalonate Kinase  5µgProSpec  pka-308 
Recombinant Human Phosphomevalonate Kinase  1 мгProSpec  pka-308 
Recombinant Human Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate Synthetase 1  25µgProSpec  PKA-361 
Recombinant Human Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate Synthetase 1  5µgProSpec  PKA-361 
Recombinant Human Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate Synthetase 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-361 
Recombinant Human Phosphoserine Phosphatase  1 мгProSpec  PKA-224 
Recombinant Human Phosphoserine Phosphatase  20µgProSpec  PKA-224 
Recombinant Human Phosphoserine Phosphatase  5µgProSpec  PKA-224 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit-1 alpha  25µgProSpec  PKA-202 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit-1 alpha  5µgProSpec  PKA-202 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase A regulatory subunit-1 alpha  50µgProSpec  PKA-202 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Akt1/PKB alpha Active Enzyme  40µgProSpec  PKA-206 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Akt1/PKB alpha Active Enzyme  5µgProSpec  PKA-206 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Akt1/PKB alpha Active Enzyme  20µgProSpec  PKA-206 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Akt1/PKB alpha Inactive Enzyme  5µgProSpec  PKA-207 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Akt1/PKB alpha Inactive Enzyme  20µgProSpec  PKA-207 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Akt1/PKB alpha Inactive Enzyme  40µgProSpec  PKA-207 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C alpha  10µgProSpec  PKA-218 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C alpha  2µgProSpec  PKA-218 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C alpha  1 мгProSpec  PKA-218 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C alpha  0.1mgProSpec  pka-218 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C beta 1  2µgProSpec  PKA-318 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C beta 1  10µgProSpec  PKA-318 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C delta  2µgProSpec  PKA-321 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C delta  10µgProSpec  PKA-321 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C Epsilon  2µgProSpec  PKA-322 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C Epsilon  10µgProSpec  PKA-322 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C Epsilon  1 мгProSpec  PKA-322 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C q  10µgProSpec  PKA-324 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase C q  2µgProSpec  PKA-324 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase CAMP-Dependent Catalytic Beta  20µgProSpec  pka-366 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase CAMP-Dependent Catalytic Beta  5µgProSpec  pka-366 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase CAMP-Dependent Catalytic Beta  1 мгProSpec  PKA-366 
Recombinant Human Protein kinase Casein Kinase 2 alpha 1, His Tag  1 мгProSpec  PKA-225 
Recombinant Human Protein kinase Casein Kinase 2 alpha 1, His Tag  2µgProSpec  PKA-225 
Recombinant Human Protein kinase Casein Kinase 2 alpha 1, His Tag  10µgProSpec  PKA-225 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase IFN Double Stranded RNA Activator  10µgProSpec  pka-058 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase IFN Double Stranded RNA Activator  1 мгProSpec  pka-058 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase IFN Double Stranded RNA Activator  2µgProSpec  pka-058 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Inhibitor Beta  1 мгProSpec  pka-003 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Inhibitor Beta  25µgProSpec  pka-003 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase Inhibitor Beta  5µgProSpec  pka-003 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Beta 1 non-Catalytic Subunit  5µgProSpec  pka-026 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Beta 1 non-Catalytic Subunit  50µgProSpec  pka-026 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Beta 1 non-Catalytic Subunit  1µgProSpec  pka-026 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Beta 2 non-Catalytic Subunit  20µgProSpec  pka-046 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Beta 2 non-Catalytic Subunit  1 мгProSpec  pka-046 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Beta 2 non-Catalytic Subunit  5µgProSpec  pka-046 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Gamma 1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-305 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Gamma 1  2µgProSpec  PKA-305 
Recombinant Human Protein Kinase, AMP-Activated, Gamma 1  10µgProSpec  PKA-305 
Recombinant Human Protein Phosphatase 1A Alpha Isoform  1 мгProSpec  PKA-222 
Recombinant Human Protein Phosphatase 1A Alpha Isoform  10µgProSpec  PKA-222 
Recombinant Human Protein Phosphatase 1A Alpha Isoform  50µgProSpec  PKA-222 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-1  50µgProSpec  PKA-219 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-1  1 мгProSpec  PKA-219 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-1  10µgProSpec  PKA-219 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-6  5µgProSpec  PKA-221 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-6  20µgProSpec  PKA-221 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-6  1 мгProSpec  PKA-221 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-7  1µgProSpec  pka-025 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-7  5µgProSpec  pka-025 
Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-7  50µgProSpec  pka-025 
Recombinant Human PTEN Induced Putative Kinase 1  1 мгProSpec  pka-010 
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