ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
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Каталог продукции
  Иммуноферментный анализ  
  Оборудование для ИФА
  · Автоматические ИФА анализаторы
  · Полуавтоматические ИФА анализаторы
  · Полуавтоматические люминометры
  · Промывочные устройства для ИФА
  · Шейкеры для ИФА
  · Механические дозаторы
  Диагностические тест-системы
  Гематология и трансфузиология
  Клеточные технологии
  Клиническая биохимия
  Молекулярная диагностика
  Мультиплексный анализ  
  Оборудование для биохимии и
  молекулярной биологии
  Общелабораторное оборудование
  Пищевая промышленность  
  Программное обеспечение  
  Проточная цитометрия
  Рекомбинантные белки
  Репродуктивные технологии
  Секвенирование NGS
  Сортировка клеток
  Цитогенетическая диагностика

/ Каталог / Иммунология / Иммуноферментный анализ (ИФА) / ИФА наборы / Наборы для диагностики патогенов растений Nano Diagnostics

ИФА наборы для определения вирусных патогенов у растений Nano Diagnostics

Компания Nano Diagnostics (США) предлагает наборы для определения 261 вида патогеных вирусов различных сельскохозяйственных культур методом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА).

В состав всех ИФА-наборов для определения вирусных патогенов входят реагенты, контроли, буферные растворы, планшет и руководство пользователя.

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Наименование ОбъемПроизводствоМетод Кат.Номер
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V100-K2 
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V100-R1 
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V100-R2 
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V100-R3 
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V100-R4 
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V100-N1 
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V100-P1 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-C1 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-C2 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-C3 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-D1 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-D2 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-D3 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-K1 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-K2 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-R1 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-R2 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-R3 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-R4 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-N1 
Beet Soil Borne Furovirus (BSBV) / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V253-P2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-C1 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-C2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-C3 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-D1 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-D2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-D3 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-K1 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-K2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-R1 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-R2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-R3 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-R4 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-N1 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V010-P1 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits /  100Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  50Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-N3 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-M1 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-M2 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-M3 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-M4 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-M5 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-P3 
Beet Western Yellows Virus (BWYV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V010-M6 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-C1 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-C2 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-C3 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-D1 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-D2 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-D3 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-K1 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-K2 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-R1 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-R2 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-R3 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-R4 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-N1 
Beet Yellow Stunt Closterovirus (BYSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V234-P1 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-C1 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-C2 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-C3 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-D1 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-D2 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-D3 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-K1 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-K2 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-R1 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-R2 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-R3 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-R4 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-N1 
Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V254-P2 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-C1 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-C2 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-C3 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-D1 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-D2 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-D3 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-K1 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-K2 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-R1 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-R2 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-R3 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-R4 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-N1 
Belladonna Mottle Tymovirus (BeMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V228-P1 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-C1 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-C2 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-C3 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-D1 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-D2 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-D3 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-K1 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-K2 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-R1 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-R2 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-R3 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-R4 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-N1 
Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic Virus (BlCMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V011-P1 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-C1 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-C2 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-C3 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-D1 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-D2 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-D3 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-K1 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-K2 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-R1 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-R2 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-R3 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-R4 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-N1 
Blackgram Mottle Virus (BMoV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V083-P2 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-C1 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-C2 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-C3 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-D1 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-D2 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-D3 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-K1 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-K2 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-R1 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-R2 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-R3 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-R4 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-N1 
Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V004-P2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  100Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V073-M1 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V073-M2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V073-M3 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V073-N3 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V073-P3 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-C1 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-C2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-C3 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-D1 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-D2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-D3 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-K1 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-K2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-R1 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-R2 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-R3 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-R4 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-N1 
Blueberry Necrotic Shock Virus (BlShV) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V073-P1 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-C1 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-C2 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-C3 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-D1 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-D2 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-D3 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-K1 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-K2 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-R1 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-R2 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-R3 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-R4 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-N1 
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BlSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V072-P2 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-C1 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-C2 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-C3 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-D1 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-D2 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-D3 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-K1 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-K2 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-R1 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-R2 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-R3 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-R4 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-N1 
Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V152-P2 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-C1 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-C2 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-C3 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-D1 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-D2 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-D3 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-K1 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-K2 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-R1 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-R2 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-R3 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-R4 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-N1 
Broad Bean Mottle Virus (BBMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V175-P1 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-C1 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-C2 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-C3 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-D1 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-D2 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-D3 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-K1 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-K2 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-R1 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-R2 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-R3 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-R4 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-N1 
Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus (BBTMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V270-P2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-C1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-C2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-C3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-D1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-D2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-D3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-K1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-K2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-R1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-R2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-R3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-R4 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-N1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 (BBWV-1) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V211-P1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-C1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-C2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-C3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-D1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-D2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-D3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-K1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-K2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-R1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-R2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-R3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-R4 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-N1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 1 and 2 (BBWV-1&2) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V012-P1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-C1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-C2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-C3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-D1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-D2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-D3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-K1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-K2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-R1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-R2 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-R3 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-R4 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-N1 
Broad Bean Wilt Virus - 2 (BBWV-2) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V212-P1 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-C1 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-C2 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-C3 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-D1 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-D2 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-D3 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-K1 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-K2 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-R1 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-R2 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-R3 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-R4 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-N1 
Broccoli Necrotic Yellows Virus (BNYV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V187-P2 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-C1 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-C2 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-C3 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-D1 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-D2 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-D3 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-K1 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-K2 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-R1 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-R2 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-R3 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-R4 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-N1 
Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V125-P2 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-C1 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-C2 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-C3 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-D1 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-D2 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-D3 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-K1 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-K2 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-R1 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-R2 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-R3 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-R4 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-N1 
Cactus X Virus (CVX) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V188-P2 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-C1 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-C2 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-C3 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-D1 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-D2 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-D3 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-K1 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-K2 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-R1 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-R2 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-R3 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-R4 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-N1 
Carnation Cryptic Virus (CCV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V213-P2 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-C1 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-C2 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-C3 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-D1 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-D2 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-D3 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-K1 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-K2 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-R1 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-R2 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-R3 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-R4 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-N1 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V013-P1 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  100Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-2 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-M4 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-M5 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-M6 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-M1 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-M2 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-M3 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-N3 
Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V013-P3 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  50Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-1 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V173-M1 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V173-M2 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V173-M3 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V173-N3 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V173-P3 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-C1 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-C2 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-C3 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-D1 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-D2 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-D3 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-K1 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-K2 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-R1 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-R2 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-R3 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-R4 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-N1 
Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V173-P1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-C1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-C2 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-C3 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-D1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-D2 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-D3 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-K1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-K2 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-R1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-R2 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-R3 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-R4 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-N1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V014-P1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  50Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M4 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M5 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M6 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M1 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M2 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M3 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcom complete Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M7 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcom complete Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M8 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcom complete Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-M9 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-N3 
Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V014-P3 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-C1 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-C2 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-C3 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-D1 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-D2 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-D3 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-K1 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-K2 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-R1 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-R2 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-R3 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-R4 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-N1 
Carnation Necrotic Fleck Closterovirus (CNFV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V266-P2 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-C1 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-C2 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-C3 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-D1 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-D2 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-D3 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-K1 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-K2 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-R1 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-R2 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-R3 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-R4 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-N1 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V015-P1 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-M4 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-M5 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-M6 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-M1 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-M2 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-M3 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-N3 
Carnation Ringspot Virus (CRSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V015-P3 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-C1 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-C2 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-C3 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-D1 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-D2 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-D3 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-K1 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-K2 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-R1 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-R2 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-R3 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-R4 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-N1 
Carnation Vein Mottle Potyvirus (CVMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V242-P2 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-C1 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-C2 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-C3 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-D1 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-D2 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-D3 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-K1 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-K2 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-R1 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-R2 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-R3 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-R4 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-N1 
Carnation Yellow Stripe Virus (CYSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA v189-P2 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-C1 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-C2 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-C3 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-D1 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-D2 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-D3 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-K1 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-K2 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-R1 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-R2 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-R3 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-R4 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-N1 
Carrot Thin Leaf Virus (CTLV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V166-P2 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-C1 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-C2 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-C3 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-D1 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-D2 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-D3 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-K1 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-K2 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-R1 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-R2 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-R3 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-R4 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-N1 
Cassava Common Mosaic Virus (CsCMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V167-P2 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V016-C1 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V016-C2 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V016-C3 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V016-D1 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V016-D2 
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V016-D3 
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