ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика» info@LD.ru    тел.: +7 495 369-20-43
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Каталог продукции
  Иммуноферментный анализ  
  Оборудование для ИФА
  · Автоматические ИФА анализаторы
  · Полуавтоматические ИФА анализаторы
  · Полуавтоматические люминометры
  · Промывочные устройства для ИФА
  · Шейкеры для ИФА
  · Механические дозаторы
  Диагностические тест-системы
  Гематология и трансфузиология
  Клеточные технологии
  Клиническая биохимия
  Молекулярная диагностика
  Мультиплексный анализ  
  Оборудование для биохимии и
  молекулярной биологии
  Общелабораторное оборудование
  Пищевая промышленность  
  Программное обеспечение  
  Проточная цитометрия
  Рекомбинантные белки
  Репродуктивные технологии
  Секвенирование NGS
  Сортировка клеток
  Цитогенетическая диагностика

/ Каталог / Иммунология / Иммуноферментный анализ (ИФА) / ИФА наборы / Наборы для диагностики патогенов растений Nano Diagnostics

ИФА наборы для определения вирусных патогенов у растений Nano Diagnostics

Компания Nano Diagnostics (США) предлагает наборы для определения 261 вида патогеных вирусов различных сельскохозяйственных культур методом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА).

В состав всех ИФА-наборов для определения вирусных патогенов входят реагенты, контроли, буферные растворы, планшет и руководство пользователя.

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Наименование ОбъемПроизводствоМетод Кат.Номер
Dandelion Carlavirus (DaCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V018-K2 
Dandelion Carlavirus (DaCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V018-R1 
Dandelion Carlavirus (DaCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V018-R2 
Dandelion Carlavirus (DaCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V018-R3 
Dandelion Carlavirus (DaCV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V018-R4 
Dandelion Carlavirus (DaCV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V018-N1 
Dandelion Carlavirus (DaCV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V018-P2 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-C1 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-C2 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-C3 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-D1 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-D2 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-D3 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-K1 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-K2 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-R1 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-R2 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-R3 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-R4 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-N1 
Desmodium Yellow Mosaic Virus (DYMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V194-P2 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-C1 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-C2 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-C3 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-D1 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-D2 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-D3 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-K1 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-K2 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-R1 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-R2 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-R3 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-R4 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-N1 
Dioscorea Latent Potexvirus (DLV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V229-P1 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-C1 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-C2 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-C3 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-D1 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-D2 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-D3 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-K1 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-K2 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-R1 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-R2 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-R3 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-R4 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-N1 
Dogwood Mosaic Virus (DMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V190-P2 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-C1 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-C2 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-C3 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-D1 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-D2 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-D3 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-K1 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-K2 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-R1 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-R2 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-R3 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-R4 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-N1 
Eggplant Green Mosaic Virus (EGMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V220-P2 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-C1 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-C2 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-C3 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-D1 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-D2 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-D3 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-K1 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-K2 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-R1 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-R2 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-R3 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-R4 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-N1 
Eggplant Mosaic Virus (EMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V096-P2 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-C1 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-C2 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-C3 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-D1 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-D2 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-D3 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-K1 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-K2 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-R1 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-R2 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-R3 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-R4 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-N1 
Elderberry Latent Virus (ELV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V023-P2 
Erwinia amylovora (Ea) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-C1 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-C2 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-C3 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-D1 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-D2 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-D3 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-K1 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-K2 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-R1 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-R2 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-R3 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-R4 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-N1 
Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FrMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V195-P2 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-C1 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-C2 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-C3 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-D1 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-D2 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-D3 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-K1 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-K2 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-R1 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-R2 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-R3 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-R4 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-N1 
Furcraea Necrotic Streak Dianthovirus (FNSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V230-P1 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-C1 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-C2 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-C3 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-D1 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-D2 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-D3 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-K1 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-K2 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-R1 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-R2 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-R3 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-R4 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-N1 
Galinsoga Mosaic Virus (GaMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V221-P2 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-C1 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-C2 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-C3 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-D1 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-D2 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-D3 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-K1 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-K2 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-R1 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-R2 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-R3 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-R4 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-N1 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V026-P1 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  100Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-2 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-M4 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-M5 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-M6 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-M1 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-M2 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-M3 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-N3 
Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V026-P3 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-C1 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-C2 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-C3 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-D1 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-D2 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-D3 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-K1 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-K2 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-R1 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-R2 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-R3 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-R4 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-N1 
Garlic Virus - C (GarV-C) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V112-P1 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-C1 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-C2 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-C3 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-D1 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-D2 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-D3 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-K1 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-K2 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-R1 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-R2 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-R3 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-R4 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-N1 
Ginger Chlorotic Fleck Virus (GCFV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V191-P2 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-C1 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-C2 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-C3 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-D1 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-D2 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-D3 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-K1 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-K2 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-R1 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-R2 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-R3 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-R4 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-N1 
Glycine Mosaic Comovirus (GMV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V231-P1 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-M4 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-M5 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-M6 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-M1 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-M2 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-M3 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-N3 
Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V215-P3 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-C1 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-C2 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-C3 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-D1 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-D2 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-D3 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-K1 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-K2 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-R1 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-R2 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-R3 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-R4 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-N1 
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V215-P2 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-M4 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-M5 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-M6 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-M1 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-M2 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-M3 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-N3 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V214-P3 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M029-3 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-C1 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-C2 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-C3 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-D1 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-D2 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-D3 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-K1 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-K2 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-R1 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-R2 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-R3 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-R4 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-N1 
Grapevine Fleck Virus (GFkV) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V214-P2 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Closterovirus 5 (GLRaV-5) / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS24-K1 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Closterovirus 5 (GLRaV-5) / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS24-K2 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Closterovirus 5 (GLRaV-5) / ELISA Reagents  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS24-R1 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Closterovirus 5 (GLRaV-5) / ELISA Reagents  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS24-R2 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Closterovirus 5 (GLRaV-5) / ELISA Reagents  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS24-R3 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Closterovirus 5 (GLRaV-5) / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS24-N1 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Closterovirus 5 (GLRaV-5) / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS24-P1 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRaV-7) / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS25-K1 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRaV-7) / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS25-K2 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRaV-7) / ELISA Reagents  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS25-R1 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRaV-7) / ELISA Reagents  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS25-R2 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRaV-7) / ELISA Reagents  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS25-R3 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRaV-7) / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS25-N1 
Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRaV-7) / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS25-P1 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  50Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M029-1 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-M4 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-M5 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-M6 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-M1 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-M2 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-M3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-N3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-P3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M029-2 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-M4 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-M5 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-M6 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-M1 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-M2 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-M3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-N3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-P3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  50Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-1 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-M4 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-M5 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-M6 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-M1 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-M2 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-M3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-N3 
Grapevine Leafroll - associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V209-P3 
Grapevine Leafroll Closterovirus 1+3 (GLRaV-1+3) / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS23-K1 
Grapevine Leafroll Closterovirus 1+3 (GLRaV-1+3) / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS23-K2 
Grapevine Leafroll Closterovirus 1+3 (GLRaV-1+3) / ELISA Reagents  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS23-R1 
Grapevine Leafroll Closterovirus 1+3 (GLRaV-1+3) / ELISA Reagents  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS23-R2 
Grapevine Leafroll Closterovirus 1+3 (GLRaV-1+3) / ELISA Reagents  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS23-R3 
Grapevine Leafroll Closterovirus 1+3 (GLRaV-1+3) / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS23-N1 
Grapevine Leafroll Closterovirus 1+3 (GLRaV-1+3) / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS23-P1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-C1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-C2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-C3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-D1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-D2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-D3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-K1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-K2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-R1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-R2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-R3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-R4 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-N1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 1 (GLRaV-1) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V207-P2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-C1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-C2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-C3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-D1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-D2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-D3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-K1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-K2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-R1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-R2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-R3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-R4 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-N1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 2 (GLRaV-2) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V208-P2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M029-1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-C1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-C2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-C3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-D1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-D2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-D3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-K1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-K2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-R1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-R2 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-R3 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-R4 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-N1 
Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus - 3 (GLRaV-3) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V209-P2 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  50Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V027-M1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V027-M2 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V027-M3 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V027-N3 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V027-P3 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-C1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-C2 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-C3 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-D1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-D2 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-D3 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-K1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-K2 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-R1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-R2 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-R3 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-R4 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-N1 
Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V027-P2 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-C1 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-C2 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-C3 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-D1 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-D2 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-D3 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-K1 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-K2 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-R1 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-R2 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-R3 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-R4 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-N1 
Grapevine Virus B (GVB) - TAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V217-P2 
Grapevine Vitivirus A (GVA) / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS26-K1 
Grapevine Vitivirus A (GVA) / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS26-K2 
Grapevine Vitivirus A (GVA) / ELISA Reagents  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS26-R1 
Grapevine Vitivirus A (GVA) / ELISA Reagents  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS26-R2 
Grapevine Vitivirus A (GVA) / ELISA Reagents  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS26-R3 
Grapevine Vitivirus A (GVA) / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS26-N1 
Grapevine Vitivirus A (GVA) / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS26-P1 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-C1 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-C2 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-C3 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-D1 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-D2 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-D3 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-K1 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-K2 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-R1 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-R2 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-R3 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-R4 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-N1 
Groundnut Ringspot Virus (GRSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V127-P1 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-3 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-C1 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-C2 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-C3 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-D1 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-D2 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-D3 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-K1 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-K2 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-R1 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-R2 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-R3 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-R4 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-N1 
Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V153-P2 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-C1 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-C2 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-C3 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-D1 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-D2 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-D3 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-K1 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-K2 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-R1 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-R2 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-R3 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-R4 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-N1 
Hop American Latent Virus (HALV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V077-P1 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-C1 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-C2 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-C3 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-D1 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-D2 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-D3 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-K1 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-K2 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-R1 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-R2 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-R3 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-R4 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-N1 
Hosta Virus X (HVX) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V238-P2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / ASPOT√CHECK LF™, lateral flow device (Dip Strip), complete kit for real-time quick assay  10Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS028-LF1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / ASPOT√CHECK LF™, lateral flow device (Dip Strip), complete kit for real-time quick assay  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA VS028-LF2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-C1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-C2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-C3 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-D1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-D2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-D3 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-K2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-R1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-R2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-R3 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  100Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-R4 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Negative control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-N1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - DAS ELISA / Positive control  18Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V028-P1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Sample bag with PCR sample extraction buffer  100Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR M029-2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-M4 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-M5 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDamp Immunocapture RT-PCR Kit  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-M6 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  48Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-M1 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  96Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-M2 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / ACDcap Immunocapture Kit for RT-PCR  288Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-M3 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Negative Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-N3 
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) - Immunocapture RT-PCR Kits / Positive Control  20Nano Diagnostics Immunocapture RT-PCR V028-P3 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / Buffers for DAS/TAS, alkaline phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA M004-1 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-C1 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-C2 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / Coating Antibody  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-C3 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-D1 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-D2 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / Detecting conjugate, Alkaline Phosphatase  5000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-D3 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-K1 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Kit  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-K2 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  500Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-R1 
Iris Fulva Mosaic Virus (IFMV) - DAS ELISA / ELISA Reagents, Alkaline Phosphatase  1000Nano Diagnostics NanoELISA V029-R2 
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