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ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep Kit - набор для выделения до 3 мг плазмидной ДНК

ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep Kit


  • Perform plasmid maxipreps in only 16 minutes using a simple spin-column protocol.
  • Purify up to 3 mg of highly concentrated plasmid DNA directly from a spin-column.
  • Eluted plasmid DNA is Endotoxin-free and Transfection-Ready.


Part of the ZymoPURE Plasmid Kits collection, the ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep kit provides the fastest and simplest method available to efficiently isolate up to 3 mg of transfection grade plasmid DNA from E. coli. Utilizing a modified alkaline lysis in conjunction with a patented binding system, the ZymoPURE II Maxiprep kit can process up to 150 ml of culture in less than 18 minutes. This remarkable kit results in significantly more plasmid DNA while providing drastically reduced processing times. The plasmid DNA is rapidly bound onto a column with either a vacuum or a centrifuge instead of a slow gravity flow column. Additionally, there is no alcohol precipitation step required and the elution is performed using a microcentrifuge. The recovered plasmid DNA is highly concentrated (up to 6 µg/µl), endotoxin-free and transfection-ready. As an added convenience, the ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep kit contains colored buffers that permit error-free visualization and identification of complete bacterial cell lysis and neutralization. 


Applicable For Transfection, transformation, lentivirus production, adenovirus production, AAV production, CRISPR, genome editing, in vivo studies, sequencing, restriction endonuclease digestion, in vitro transcription/translation, PCR, and other sensitive applications.
Binding Capacity 3.0 mg
Culture Input ≤ 150 ml
Elution Volume ≥ 300 µl
Endotoxin Levels ≤ 0.025 EU/µg of Plasmid DNA
Equipment Microcentrifuge and vacuum/vacuum manifold (recommended) or swinging bucket centrifuge.
Format Spin-Column
Processing Time ≤ 18 min
Purity Typical Abs 260/280 ≥1.8 and Abs 260/230≥ 2.0
Recommended Sample Volume ≤ 150 ml
Size Range Up to 200 kb
Yield Up to 3.0 mg per preparation. Actual yield is dependent on the plasmid copy number, culture growth conditions, and strain of E. coli utilized. Typical yields from 150 ml of overnight culture grown in LB for high copy number plasmids are 600 – 1,200 µg.
Supplemental Info

Информация для заказа

Область использования:Производство:Zymo Research
Объем:10 выделений 
Кат. номер:D4202
Цена (с НДС 20%):по запросуВ корзину
Наименование: ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep Kit - набор для выделения до 3 мг плазмидной ДНК / ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep Kit.
© ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
info@LD.ru   тел.: +7 495 369-20-43