Факторы роста
Факторы роста- это белковые молекулы, регулирующие деление и выживание клеток. Факторы роста можно получать с помощью генной инженерии в лаборатории и использовать в терапии.
Факторы роста связываются с рецепторами на поверхности клеток, активируя таким образом пролиферацию и / или дифференциацию клеток. Факторы роста достаточно универсальны и стимулируют клеточное деление в различных типах клеток, в то время как некоторые из них специфичны только для определенных типов клеток. Факторы роста - это белки, стимулирующие рост клеток.
Факторы роста - это белки, которые функционируют как стимуляторы роста (митогены) и / или ингибиторы роста, стимулируют миграцию клеток, действуют как хемотоксичные агенты, ингибируют миграцию клеток, ингибируют инвазию раковых клеток, регулируют различные клеточные функции, участвуют в апоптозе и ангиогенезе и стимулируют выживаемость клеток, не влияя на рост и дифференциацию.
Часто исследователи используют термин «факторы роста» как синоним цитокинов.
В качестве примеров факторов роста можно привести: EGF, FGF, NGF, PDGF, VEGF, IGF, GMCSF, GCSF, TGF, эритропиетин, TPO, BMP, HGF, GDF, нейротрофины, MSF, SGF, GDF и более.
Гемопоэтические факторы роста - это гормоно-подобные вещества, которые стимулируют костный мозг к производству клеток крови. Недостаток клеток крови является причиной большинства симптомов у людей, страдающих миелодиспластическим синдромом.
Эритропоэтин - это фактор роста, который стимулирует продукцию красных кровяных телец. Интерлейкин-11 (IL-11) стимулирует продукцию тромбоцитов после хемотерапии. Современные исследования посвящены попыткам понять, какие факторы роста позволят лечить ряд болезней и как комбинировать факторы роста друг с другом и с другими методами лечения, такими как химиотерапия или гормоны.
Факторы роста являются биологически активными полипептидами, которые функционируют как гормоно-подобные регуляторные сигналы, контролирующие рост и дифференциацию чувствительных клеток. Различие между факторами роста и гормонами, как правило, неочевидно.
Последовательность аминокислот позволяет объединять факторы роста в одну группу, что позволяет предположить, что они происходят от общего предкового белка. Семейство инсулинов включает соматомедины А и С, инсулин, инсулин-подобный фактор роста (IGF) и импортстимулирующий фактор (MSF). Второе семейство включает фактор роста сарком (SGF), трансформирующй фактор роста (TGF) и эпидермальный фактор роста (IGF). Кроме того, существуют факторы роста, например, фактор роста нервов (NGF), фактор роста фибробластов (FGF), и фактор роста тромбоцитов (PDGF), для которых не было найдено структурных гомологов.
Стимуляция пролиферации клеток факторами роста похожа на быструю пролиферацию раковых клеток. Рецепторы факторов роста схожи с онкогенными белками, продуцируемыми некоторыми РНК-онкогенными вирусами. Фактор роста тромбоцитов (PDGF) практически идентичен онкогенному белку вируса саркомы обезьян.
Факторы роста необходимы для клеточной дифференциации и нормального клеточного цикла, поэтому являются жизненно важными элементами для животных от рождения до смерти. Факторы роста обеспечивают развитие, участвуют в поддержании целостности и репарации тканей, стимулируют производство клеток крови и участвуют в раковых процессах.
CTGF (2 продукта): CYT-438 (фактор роста соединительной ткани), CYT-526 (фактор роста соединительной ткани 182-250 а.к)
PDGF (7 продуктов): CYT-341 (PDGF-AA), CYT-491 (PDGF-A), CYT-342 (PDGF-AB), CYT-501 (PDGF-BB), CYT-242 (PDGF-BB, Yeast), CYT-492 (PDGF-B), CYT-412 (PDGF-BB, мышь)
VEGF (14 продуктов): CYT-338, CYT-241, CYT-496 (CHO), CYT-225 (Sf9), CYT-336 (мышиный), CYT-226 (Sf9, мышиный), CYT-392 (крысиный), CYT-343 (121), CYT-200 Sf9(121), CYT-527 (белок, родственный VEGF), CYT-262 (белок, родственный VEGF, крысиный), CYT-284 (VEGF-C (152), CYT-517 (ингибитор VEGF), CYT-263 (VEGF-E (Orf Virus)
Гормоны роста (16 продуктов): CYT-202, CYT-235 (плацентарный гормон роста), CYT-259 (гипофизарный гормон роста), CYT-337 (плацентарный гормон роста 20 кДа), CYT-296 (крысиный), CYT-519 (свиной), CYT-514 (кроличий), CYT-430 (цыпленок), CYT-237 (овечий), CYT-215 (антагонист овечьего гормона роста), CYT-499 (Mai Mai), CYT-498 (Denis), CYT-297 (карп), CYT-238 (белок, связывающий гормоны роста), CYT-471 (белок, связывающий гормоны роста, бычий), CYT-470 (белок, связывающий гормоны роста, овечий)
Другие факторы роста (13 продуктов): CYT-243 (лейкинферон человека), CYT-423 (лейкоцит-ассоциированный антиген-3), CYT-310 (ингибитор активности меланом), CYT-301 (оментин), CYT-290 (остеопротегерин, His Tag), CYT-266 (остеопротегерин), CYT-231 (онкостатин-M), CYT-452 (периостин), CYT-524 (програнулин), CYT-419 (плацентарный фактор роста-1), CYT-420 (плацентарный фактор роста-2), CYT-334 (растворимый RANK лиганд), CYT-320 (растворимый RANK лиганд)
Инсулин (3 продукта): CYT-270, CYT-467 (бычий), CYT-468 (свиной)
Инсулин-подобные факторы роста (10 продуктов): CYT-216 (инсулино-подобный фактор роста-1), CYT-518 (фактор роста-1 Des (1-3), CYT-229 (фактор роста-1, мышиный), CYT-289 (фактор роста-1, крысиный), CYT-295 (фактор роста-1, Denis), CYT-265 (фактор роста-2), CYT-299 (белок-1, связывающий факторы роста), CYT-300 (белок-3, связывающий факторы роста), CYT-464 (белок-5, связывающий факторы роста), CYT-258(белок-6, связывающий факторы роста)
Колоние-стимулирующие факторы (14 продуктов): CYT-220 (КСФ гранулоцитов), CYT-476 (КСФ гранулоцитов, His Tag), CYT-329 (КСФ гранулоцитов, CHO), CYT-410 (КСФ гранулоцитов, мышиные), CYT-221 (КСФ гранулоцитов макрофагов), CYT-324 (КСФ гранулоцитов макрофагов, Pichia), CYT-477 (КСФ гранулоцитов макрофагов, His Tag), CYT-416 (КСФ гранулоцитов-макрофагов, Sf9), CYT-222 (КСФ гранулоцитов макрофагов, мышиный), CYT-395 (КСФ гранулоцитов макрофагов, крысиные), CYT-401 (КСФ гранулоцитов макрофагов, свиные), CYT-360 (gm-csf/IL-3), CYT-308 (КСФ макрофагов), CYT-439 (КСФ макрофагов, мышиные)
Лептин (19 продуктов): CYT-228, CYT-287 (His Tag), CYT-351 (мышиный), CYT-227 (крысиный), CYT-507 (кроличий), CYT-239 (овечий), CYT-502 (бычий), CYT-503 (свиной), CYT-505 (цыпленок), CYT-506 (собачий), CYT-504 (лошадиный), CYT-508 (домен связывания с лептином, цыпленок), CYT-509 (домен связывания с лептином, цыпленок), CYT-352 (антагонист лептина), CYT-354 (антагонист лептина, мышиный), CYT-355 (антагонист лептина, крысиный), CYT-356 (антагонист лептина, овечий), CYT-353 (антагонист лептина), CYT-357(антагонист лептина, овечий)
Миостатин (3 продукта): CYT-418, CYT-445 (His-Tag), CYT-448 (пробелок миостатина)
Ноггин (1 продукт): CYT-475
Плацентарный лактоген (3 продукта): CYT-511 (бычий), CYT-510 (козлиный), CYT-512 (овечий)
Пролактин (11 продуктов): CYT-267, CYT-493 (His Tag), CYT-321 (мышиный), CYT-322 (крысиный), CYT-513 (кроличий), CYT-240 (овечий), CYT-311 (антагонист овечьего пролактина), CYT-469 (рецептор пролактина), CYT-268 (растворимый рецептор кроличьего пролактина), CYT-294 (растворимый рецептор бычьего пролактина), CYT-293 (растворимый рецептор овечьего пролактина)
Трансформирующий фактор роста (3 продукта): CYT-473 (трансформирующий фактор роста-beta 1), CYT-368 (трансформирующий фактор роста-beta 3), CYT-319 (трансформирующий фактор роста-beta 3 (644-850)
Фактор роста кератиноцитов (2 продукта): CYT-219 (фактор роста кератиноцитов-1), CYT-303 (фактор роста кератиноцитов-2)
Факторы роста гепатоцитов (3 продукта): CYT-244 (Sf9), CYT-251 (CHO), CYT-522 (стимулятор роста гепатоцитов)
Факторы роста фибробластов (16 продуктов): CYT-264 (FGF-acidic), CYT-364 (FGF-acidic, Sf9), CYT-528 (FGF-acidic, мышиный), CYT-218 (FGF-basic), CYT-365 (FGF-basic, Sf9), CYT-386 (FGF-basic, мышиный), CYT-288 (FGF-basic), CYT-415 (FGF-9), CYT-349 (FGF-9, мышиный), CYT-279 (FGF-19), CYT-474 (FGF-21), CYT-281 (FGF-21, His Tag), CYT-339 (FGF-21, мышиный), CYT-516 (FGF-21, His Tag, мышиный), CYT-428 (FGF-22), CYT-374 (FGF-23)
Факторы роста эпидермиса (4 продукта): CYT-217, CYT-332 (Pichia), CYT-466 (21-Leu), CYT-326 (мышиный)
Факторы стволовых клеток (4 продукта): CYT-255, CYT-421 (Sf9), CYT-275 (мышиный), CYT-323 (крысиный)
Факторы, ингибирующие миграцию макрофагов (2 продукта): CYT-431 (His Tag N-концевой), CYT-521 (His Tag C-концевой)
Эритропоэтин (2 продукта): CYT-201 (эритропоэтин-альфа), CYT-325 (эритропоэтин-альфа Fc/Chimera) Информация для заказа
Наименование |
Объем | Производство | Метод |
Кат.Номер |
Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic |
1µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-613  |
Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-613  |
Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-613  |
Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-560  |
Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-560  |
Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-560  |
Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 |
0.1mg | ProSpec | |
CYT-299  |
Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-299  |
Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-299  |
Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-299  |
Human LeukinFeron |
10,000IU | ProSpec | |
CYT-243  |
Human LeukinFeron |
20,000IU | ProSpec | |
CYT-243  |
Human LeukinFeron |
100,000IU | ProSpec | |
CYT-243  |
Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 |
1µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-561  |
Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 |
2.5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-561  |
Human Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-561  |
Mouse beta Nerve Growth Factor |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-440  |
Mouse beta Nerve Growth Factor |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-440  |
Mouse beta Nerve Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-440  |
Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-554  |
Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-554  |
Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-554  |
Porcine Hepatocyte Promoting Growth Factor |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-522  |
Porcine Hepatocyte Promoting Growth Factor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-522  |
Porcine Hepatocyte Promoting Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-522  |
Porcine Insulin |
25mg | ProSpec | |
CYT-468  |
Porcine Insulin |
250mg | ProSpec | |
CYT-468  |
Rat Epidermal Growth Factor |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-556  |
Rat Epidermal Growth Factor |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-556  |
Rat Epidermal Growth Factor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-556  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-657  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-657  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-657  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-657  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-657  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-288  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-288  |
Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-288  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-471  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-471  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-471  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-471  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-471  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-636  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-636  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-636  |
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone |
500µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-636  |
Recombinant Bovine Leptin |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-502  |
Recombinant Bovine Leptin |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-502  |
Recombinant Bovine Leptin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-502  |
Recombinant Bovine Placental Lactogen |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-511  |
Recombinant Bovine Placental Lactogen |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-511  |
Recombinant Bovine Placental Lactogen |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-511  |
Recombinant Bovine Prolactin Soluble Receptor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-294  |
Recombinant Bovine Prolactin Soluble Receptor |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-294  |
Recombinant Caprine Placental Lactogen |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-510  |
Recombinant Caprine Placental Lactogen |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-510  |
Recombinant Caprine Placental Lactogen |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-510  |
Recombinant Carp Growth Hormone |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-297  |
Recombinant Carp Growth Hormone |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-297  |
Recombinant Carp Growth Hormone |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-297  |
Recombinant Carp Growth Hormone |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-297  |
Recombinant Carp Growth Hormone |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-297  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone Anatagonist |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-538  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone Anatagonist |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-538  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone Anatagonist |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-538  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone Anatagonist |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-538  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone |
500µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-430  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-430  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-430  |
Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-430  |
Recombinant Chicken Leptin Binding Domain |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-509  |
Recombinant Chicken Leptin Binding Domain |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-509  |
Recombinant Chicken Leptin Binding Domain |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-509  |
Recombinant Chicken Leptin |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-505  |
Recombinant Chicken Leptin |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-505  |
Recombinant Chicken Leptin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-505  |
Recombinant Denis Growth Hormone |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-498  |
Recombinant Denis Growth Hormone |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-498  |
Recombinant Denis Growth Hormone |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-498  |
Recombinant Denis Growth Hormone |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-498  |
Recombinant Denis Growth Hormone |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-498  |
Recombinant Dog Leptin |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-506  |
Recombinant Dog Leptin |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-506  |
Recombinant Dog Leptin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-506  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Growth Hormone |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-529  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Growth Hormone |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-529  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Growth Hormone |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-529  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-295  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-295  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-295  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-295  |
Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-295  |
Recombinant Horse Leptin |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-504  |
Recombinant Horse Leptin |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-504  |
Recombinant Horse Leptin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-504  |
Recombinant Human Beta Defensin 118 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-714  |
Recombinant Human Beta Defensin 118 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-714  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, CHO |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-246  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, CHO |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-246  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, CHO |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-246  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, HEK |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-079  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, HEK |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-079  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, HEK |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-079  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-579  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-579  |
Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-579  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor 182-250 a.a. |
4µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-526  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor 182-250 a.a. |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-526  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor 182-250 a.a. |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-526  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-687  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-687  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-687  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK |
4µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-687  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK |
6µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-687  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-687  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, His Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-438  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-438  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-438  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-541  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-541  |
Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-541  |
Recombinant Human Endocrine Gland Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-338  |
Recombinant Human Endocrine Gland Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-338  |
Recombinant Human Endocrine Gland Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-338  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor 21-Leu |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-466  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor 21-Leu |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-466  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor 21-Leu |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-466  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Long |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-798  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Long |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-798  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Long |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-798  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Pichia |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-332  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Pichia |
500µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-332  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Pichia |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-332  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Pichia |
0.5mg | ProSpec | |
cyt-332  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor |
0.5mg | ProSpec | |
cyt-217  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-217-100  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor |
500µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-217  |
Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-217  |
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha Fc/Chimera |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-325  |
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha Fc/Chimera |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-325  |
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha Fc/Chimera |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-325  |
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-201  |
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-201  |
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-201  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 12 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-620  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 12 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-620  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 12 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-620  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 13 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-121  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 13 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-121  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 13 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-121  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 14 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-756  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 14 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-756  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 14 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-756  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-755  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17, His Tag |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-755  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17, His Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-755  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-817  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-817  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-817  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-18 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-120  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-18 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-120  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-18 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-120  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-700  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-700  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-700  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19 His Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-279  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19 His Tag |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-279  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-19 His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-279  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21, His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-281  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-281  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21, His Tag |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-281  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-474  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-474  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-474  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-474  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-428  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-428  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-428  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 C-Terminal |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-028  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 C-Terminal |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-028  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 C-Terminal |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-028  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-020  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-020  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-020  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 His Tag |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-374  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 His Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-374  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-374  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 |
0.1mg | ProSpec | |
CYT-374  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4, HEK |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-084  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4, HEK |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-084  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4, HEK |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-084  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-312  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-312  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-312  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8, HEK |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-087  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8, HEK |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-087  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8, HEK |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-087  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-714  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-839  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-839  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-839  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-9 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-415  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-9 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-415  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-9 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-415  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic, Sf9 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-364  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic, Sf9 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-364  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic, Sf9 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-364  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-264  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-264  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-264  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (147 a.a) |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-557  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (147 a.a) |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-557  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (147 a.a) |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-557  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, 293 Cells |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-085  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, 293 Cells |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-085  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, 293 Cells |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-085  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Plant |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-123  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Plant |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-123  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Plant |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-123  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Sf9 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-365  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Sf9 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-365  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Sf9 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-365  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-218  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-218  |
Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-218  |
Recombinant Human gm-csf/IL-3 Fusion Protein (PIXY321) |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-360  |
Recombinant Human gm-csf/IL-3 Fusion Protein (PIXY321) |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-360  |
Recombinant Human gm-csf/IL-3 Fusion Protein (PIXY321) |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-360  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-477  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-477  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-477  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Pichia |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-324  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Pichia |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-324  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Pichia |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-324  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Sf9 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-416  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Sf9 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-416  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Sf9 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-416  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-221  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-221  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor |
20 мкг | ProSpec | |
CYT-221  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, CHO |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-329  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, CHO |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-329  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, CHO |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-329  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-476  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-476  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-476  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-220  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-220  |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-220  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 10 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-659  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 10 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-659  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 10 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-659  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 11 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-402  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 11 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-402  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 11 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-402  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 D-Vairant |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-314  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 D-Vairant |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-314  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 D-Vairant |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-314  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-335  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-335  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-335  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-691  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15, His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-691  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 15, His Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-691  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 3 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-694  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 3 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-694  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 3 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-694  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-653  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 His Tag |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-653  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 His Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-653  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-442  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-442  |
Recombinant Human Growth and Differentiation factor 5 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-442  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-238  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-238  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-238  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-238  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Binding Protein |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-238  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, HEK |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-091  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, HEK |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-091  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, HEK |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-091  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, Plant |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-053  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, Plant |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-053  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, Plant |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-053  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone |
0.5mg | ProSpec | |
cyt-202  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-202  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone |
500µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-202  |
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-202  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor A Chain |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-664  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor A Chain |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-664  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor A Chain |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-664  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor B Chain |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-665  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor B Chain |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-665  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor B Chain |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-665  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, CHO |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-251  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, CHO |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-251  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, CHO |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-251  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, HEK |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-090  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, HEK |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-090  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, HEK |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-090  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, Sf9 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-244  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, Sf9 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-244  |
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, Sf9 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-244  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma Derived Growth Factor-Like 1 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-850  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma Derived Growth Factor-Like 1 |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-850  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma Derived Growth Factor-Like 1 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-850  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor (32-285 a.a) |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-294  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor (32-285 a.a) |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-294  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor (32-285 a.a) |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-294  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor-2 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-132  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor-2 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-132  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor-2 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-132  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-681  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-681  |
Recombinant Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-681  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-300  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-300  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-300  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-4 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-030  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-4 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-030  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-4 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-030  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-5 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-464  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-5 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-464  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-5 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-464  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6 (28-240 a.a.) |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-786  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6 (28-240 a.a.) |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-786  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6 (28-240 a.a.) |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-786  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-258  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-258  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-258  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-7, His Tag |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-809  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-7, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-809  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-7, His Tag |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-809  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-7 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-788  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-7 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-788  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-7 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-788  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Des (1-3) |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-518  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Des (1-3) |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-518  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Des (1-3) |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-518  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 N15 Labeled |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-128  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 N15 Labeled |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-128  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 N15 Labeled |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-128  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1, GST-Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-690  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1, GST-Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-690  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1, GST-Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-690  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-216  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-216  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-216  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
500µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-216  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-265  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-265  |
Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-265  |
Recombinant Human Insulin |
25mg | ProSpec | |
CYT-270  |
Recombinant Human Insulin |
250mg | ProSpec | |
CYT-270  |
Recombinant Human Interleukin-4 , Yeast |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-712  |
Recombinant Human Interleukin-4 , Yeast |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-712  |
Recombinant Human Interleukin-4 , Yeast |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-712  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor, HEK |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-086  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor, HEK |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-086  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor, HEK |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-086  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2, His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-129  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-129  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2, His Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-129  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-303  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-303  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-303  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-219  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-219  |
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-219  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Binding Domain |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-508  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Binding Domain |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-508  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Binding Domain |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-508  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Quadruple Antagonist |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-353  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Quadruple Antagonist |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-353  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Quadruple Antagonist |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-353  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Triple Antagonist |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-352  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Triple Antagonist |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-352  |
Recombinant Human Leptin Triple Antagonist |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-352  |
Recombinant Human Leptin, His Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-287  |
Recombinant Human Leptin, His Tag |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-287  |
Recombinant Human Leptin |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-228  |
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Function Associated Antigen-3 Fusion Protein |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-423  |
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Function Associated Antigen-3 Fusion Protein |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-423  |
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Function Associated Antigen-3 Fusion Protein |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-423  |
Recombinant Human LR3 Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
0.5mg | ProSpec | |
cyt-022  |
Recombinant Human LR3 Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
100µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-022  |
Recombinant Human LR3 Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-022  |
Recombinant Human LR3 Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 |
200µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-022  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-308  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-308  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-308  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag C-Terminus |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-521  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag C-Terminus |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-521  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag C-Terminus |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-521  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag N-Terminus |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-431  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag N-Terminus |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-431  |
Recombinant Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor, His Tag N-Terminus |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-431  |
Recombinant Human Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-310  |
Recombinant Human Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-310  |
Recombinant Human Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-310  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin Propeptide |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-448  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin Propeptide |
25µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-448  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin Propeptide |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-448  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin, His-Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-445  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin, His-Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-445  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin, His-Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-445  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-418  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-418  |
Recombinant Human Myostatin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-418  |
Recombinant Human Neurogranin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-293  |
Recombinant Human Neurogranin |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-293  |
Recombinant Human Noggin |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-475  |
Recombinant Human Noggin |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-475  |
Recombinant Human Noggin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-475  |
Recombinant Human Omentin |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-301  |
Recombinant Human Omentin |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-301  |
Recombinant Human Omentin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-301  |
Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-231  |
Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-231  |
Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-231  |
Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin, His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-290  |
Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin, His Tag |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-290  |
Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-290  |
Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin/Fc Chimera |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-266  |
Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin/Fc Chimera |
50µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-266  |
Recombinant Human Osteoprotegerin/Fc Chimera |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-266  |
Recombinant Human Periostin |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-452  |
Recombinant Human Periostin |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-452  |
Recombinant Human Periostin |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-452  |
Recombinant Human Pituitary Growth Hormone 20kDa |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-259  |
Recombinant Human Pituitary Growth Hormone 20kDa |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-259  |
Recombinant Human Pituitary Growth Hormone 20kDa |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-259  |
Recombinant Human Pituitary Growth Hormone 20kDa |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-259  |
Recombinant Human Pituitary Growth Hormone 20kDa |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-259  |
Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-1 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-419  |
Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-1 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-419  |
Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-1 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-419  |
Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-2 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-420  |
Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-2 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-420  |
Recombinant Human Placenta Growth Factor-2 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-420  |
Recombinant Human Placental Corr Growth Hormone |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-235  |
Recombinant Human Placental Corr Growth Hormone |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-235  |
Recombinant Human Placental Corr Growth Hormone |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-235  |
Recombinant Human Placental Corr Growth Hormone |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-235  |
Recombinant Human Placental Corr Growth Hormone |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-235  |
Recombinant Human Placental Growth Hormone 20kDa |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-337  |
Recombinant Human Placental Growth Hormone 20kDa |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-337  |
Recombinant Human Placental Growth Hormone 20kDa |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-337  |
Recombinant Human Placental Growth Hormone 20kDa |
200µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-337  |
Recombinant Human Placental Growth Hormone 20kDa |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-337  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA HEK |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-109  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA HEK |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-109  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA HEK |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-109  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA, Yeast |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-568  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA, Yeast |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-568  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA, Yeast |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-568  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-341  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-341  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AA |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-341  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AB |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-342  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AB |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-342  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AB |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-342  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-A |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-491  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-A |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-491  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-A |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-491  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB, Yeast |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-242  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB, Yeast |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-242-  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB, Yeast |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-242  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-501  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-501  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-501  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-B |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-492  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-B |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-492  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-B |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-492  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-D |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-155  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-D |
20µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-155  |
Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-D |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-155  |
Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor, Alpha |
1µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-065  |
Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor, Alpha |
5µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-065  |
Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor, Alpha |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-065  |
Recombinant Human Progranulin |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-524  |
Recombinant Human Progranulin |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-524  |
Recombinant Human Progranulin |
100µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-524  |
Recombinant Human Proheparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor, His Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-761  |
Recombinant Human Proheparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-761  |
Recombinant Human Proheparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor, His Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-761  |
Recombinant Human Proheparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-119  |
Recombinant Human Proheparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-119  |
Recombinant Human Proheparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor |
50µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-119  |
Recombinant Human Pro-Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 |
10µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-110  |
Recombinant Human Pro-Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
cyt-110  |
Recombinant Human Pro-Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 |
2µg | ProSpec | |
cyt-110  |
Recombinant Human Prolactin Receptor , GST Tag |
2µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-469  |
Recombinant Human Prolactin Receptor , GST Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-469  |
Recombinant Human Prolactin Receptor , GST Tag |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-469  |
Recombinant Human Prolactin, His Tag |
5µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-493  |
Recombinant Human Prolactin, His Tag |
20µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-493  |
Recombinant Human Prolactin, His Tag |
1 мг | ProSpec | |
CYT-493  |
Recombinant Human Prolactin |
10µg | ProSpec | |
CYT-267  |