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  Выделение стволовых клеток:
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  · Бак. Анализ на стерильность  
  · Вирусная и бактериальная диагностика  
  · HLA - генотипирование  
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  Реагенты для культивирования,   анализа и дифференцировки   стволовых клеток:
  · Производства Dako  
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  Оборудование для культивирования   стволовых клеток:
  · Роботизированный комплекс HAMILTON 
  · Innovatis Cellscreen 
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  Цитогенетическая диагностика

/ Каталог / Клеточные технологии и технологии для работы с клетками / Микроскопы. Микроскопическая техника / ELECTRON MICROSCOPY SCIENCES - Продукты для гистологии, световой микроскопии и электронной микроскопии / Embedding Media Kits

Araldite to Styrene

Technical Tips: General Tips for Embedding Media Kits

*Please note that wherever DMP-30 is listed as the accelerator in our embedding media kits you have the option to use BDMA in place of it. BDMA is less viscous, has a longer shelf life, and offers better penetration (it should be noted, however, that in order to achieve the optimum results when using BDMA in place of DMP-30 you must vary the amount. DMP-30: 1.5-2%; BDMA: 2.5-3%).

arrow12Araldite 502

Luft's Formula. Polymerization takes place overnight so blocks can be sectioned the next day. J. Biochem. Biophy. Cytol. 9, 409 (1961).

RT 13900 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml Araldite 502 msds
450 ml DDSA; Specially Distilled msds
*50 ml DMP-30 msds

arrow12Araldite 6005

Also known as American Araldite. The blocks are slightly harder than those produced by Araldite 502.

RT 13920 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml Araldite 6005 msds
450 ml DDSA; Specially Distilled msds
100 ml BDMA msds
225 ml DBP msds

arrow12Araldite, EMbed 812 (Epon-812)

Mollenhauer Epon-Araldite Formula. For hard blocks and high image contrast. Blocks are easily sectioned. Stain Tech., 39,11 (1964).

RT 13940 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml EMbed-812 msds
450 ml Araldite 502 msds
450 ml DDSA; Specially Distilled msds
*50 ml DMP-30 msds

DER 732-336arrow12DER 332-732

Three different mixtures: one for relatively soft blocks, another for harder blocks for collagenous tissue, and a tougher one, if required.
Lockwood, W.R. Anatomical Record, 150, 129 (1964)

RT 14000 Kit consists of: kit
2x225 ml DER 332 msds
225 ml DER 732 msds
450 ml DDSA; Specially Distilled msds
*50 ml DMP-30 msds

arrow12Durcupan, Water Soluble

A water soluble embedding medium for EM based on an aliphatic polyepoxide.
A Fluka A.G., Buchs. Switzerland-Registered Trademark.

RT 14020 Kit 260g for a minimum of 10 embeddings consists of: kit
Single Component A msds
Single Component B msds
Single Component C msds
Single Component D msds

arrow12Durcupan ACM, Epoxy Resin

An aromatic polyepoxide; a colorless resin of relatively low viscosity, with virtually no shrinkage.

RT 14040 Kit 1200 ml: kit
Single Component A msds
Single Component B msds
Single Component C msds
Single Component D msds

arrow12Diethylene Glycol Distearate (DEGDS/DGD)

DGD is a removable embedding medium (for thin and thick sections) that provides embedment free sections. Good for immunolabeling and high resolution light microscopy.


  • Thin or thick embedment free sections can be obtained.
  • Sections are easy to cut and ribbons are easily obtainable.
  • Enhances the integrity of the specimen as it floats on the water.
  • Sections produce interference colors according to its thickness.

Ethanol and n-butyl alcohol are used as dehydrating agents.

  1. Capco, Krockmalnic, & Penman (1984). A New Method of Preparing Embedment Free Sections For TEM: Applications to the Cytoskeletal Framework and Other 3D Networks. JCB Vol. 98, pp. 1878.
  2. Valdimarsson & Huebner (1989). DEGDS as an Embedding Medium for Immunofluorescence Microscopy. Biochem. Cell Biol. 67:242.
  3. Nickerson, Krockmalnic, He, & Penman (1990). Immunolocalization in Three Dimensions: Immunogold Staining of Cytoskeletal and Nuclear Matrix Proteins in Resinless Electron Microscopy Sections. PNAS Vol. 87, pp. 2259.
RT 14010 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml DGD msds
450 ml Ethanol msds
450 ml n-Butyl alcohol msds

EMbed-812 Epon-812arrow12EMbed-812

Electron Microscopy Sciences' replacement for the discontinued Epon-812. Produces the same results in terms of preservation, handling, sectioning, and staining as the old Epon-812.

Two versions are available. The #14120 kit includes DMP-30. The #14121 Kit includes BDMA in place of DMP-30.

  1. Hayat, M. A. Principles & Tech. for EM. Second Edition (1981)
  2. Mascorro, J.A. and Kirby, G.S. Physical characteristics of "old" Epon 812 and various Epon-like replacements. Proc. 44th Ann. Meet. Electron. Microsc. Soc. Am., pp.222-223 (1986)
  3. Mascorro, J.A. and Kirby, G.S. Novel Epoxy/Anhydride Alternatives for Biological Electron Microscopy: Physical and Performance Characteristics of EMbed 812 and LX 112 in combination with NSA/NMA/DMAE. Proc. 47th Ann. Meet. EMSA., pp. 1000-1001 (1989).
  4. Mascorro, J.A. and Kirby, G.S. Viscosity Characteristics and Hardening Rates for EMbed 812 and LX 112 with alternative Anhydride and Catalyst Choices. Proc. 49th Ann. Meet. EMSA. (1991).
RT 14120 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml EMbed-812 msds
450 ml DDSA; Specially Distilled msds
450 ml NMA msds
50 ml DMP-30 msds
RT 14121 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml EMbed-812 msds
450 ml DDSA; Specially Distilled msds
450 ml NMA msds
50 ml BDMA msds

arrow12EMbed-812/ DER 73

This mixture is less viscous than the final embedding mixture of EMbed-812.

RT 14130 Kit consists of: kit
2x225 ml DER 736 msds
450 ml EMbed-812 msds
450 ml NMA msds
*50 ml DMP-30 msds

arrow12EMS Petrographic Epoxy

Formulated specifically for the preparation of petrographic thin sections, EMS Petrographic Epoxy Kits are the only epoxy mounting medium which is supplied with everything needed to dispense, mix and apply the medium. No more guessing at proportions, and improvising stirring rods and mixing containers.

Best Refractive Index - nd=1.540±0.001

EMS Petrographic Epoxy is the only epoxy based mounting medium with this refractive index, which is considered ideal for general petrography. In addition, EMS Petrographic Epoxy is the only mounting medium for which the refractive index is given and warranted to four significant figures. Many manufacturers of mounting media give no refractive index information at all, and of those that do, some are wrong.

A mounting medium of known refractive index can be a powerful aid in mineral identification. For example, a medium of 1.540 is useful for distinguishing between feldspars. In addition, the relief of a mineral is, in part, dependent on the r.i. of the cover glass mounting medium. Particularly when scanning a slide at low power, the difference in the relief of various minerals can be a valuable aid in mineral and texture determination.

Highest Bond Strength

For almost all rocks and minerals, the EMS Petrographic Epoxy bond to unfrosted slides is stronger than either the specimen or the slide. Therefore, slides need not be frosted, which saves a production step and eliminates attendant refraction and consequent poor image at high contrast, as, for example, when observing the Becke line.

This tremendous strength allows you to saw and rough grind a much thinner section than with any other mounting medium. Remounting of specimens due to plucking and bond separation is virtually eliminated.

Longest Pot Life

Once the two EMS Petrographic Epoxy components are mixed, the pot life of EMS Petrographic Epoxy is about 5 days at 21°C (70°F). This eliminates waste due to the rapid gelation (0.5 to 3 hours for all other epoxy mounting media) of unused mixed material. And you won't spend up to 1 hour per week constantly mixing epoxies. With EMS Petrographic Epoxy, you mix the two components as infrequently as once per week - for 5 minutes.

In addition, the long pot life of EMS Petrographic Epoxy frees you from having to organize your time so that several specimens can be mounted or covered at the same time. Mounting only one or two sections with EMS Petrographic Epoxy is both convenient and efficient.

Shortest Cure Time

Cure time for a high strength bond is only 10 minutes, a tremendous time saver. Optimum cure temperature is 135°C (275°F).

Best Impregnation

The low viscosity of EMS Petrographic Epoxy provides excellent penetration during impregnation and specimen mounting.

Best For Cover Glasses

Because of its low viscosity and long pot life, applying cover glasses with EMS Petrographic Epoxy is faster, easier, and simpler than with any other mounting medium. EMS Petrographic Epoxy is a 100% solids system - there are no solvents to vaporize; and there are no by-products of the cure reaction. Therefore, no bubbles will form under the cover glass during cure.

Technical Data SheetBlue Dye

10 mg Blue Dye per 1 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Resin will give a light transparent blue in a 30 micron section. 20 mg/ml will give a bright transparent blue.

Ordering Information

1292-00 EMS Petrographic Epoxy - Evaluation Kit, includes:
50 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Resin
5 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Curing Agent
8 Mixing Beakers
5 Stirring & Applicator Rods
3 Syringes and 1 User's Manual

EMS Petrographic Epoxy - Basic Kit, includes:
500 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Resin
50 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Curing Agent
1 User's Manual


EMS Petrographic Epoxy - Standard Kit, includes:
500 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Resin
50 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Curing Agent
50 Mixing Beakers, 25 Stirring & Applicator Rods
10 Syringes & 1 User's Manual

1292-03 EMS Petrographic Epoxy - Standard Kit with Thermometer, includes:
500 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Resin
50 ml EMS Petrographic Epoxy Curing Agent
50 Mixing Beakers, 25 Stirring & Applicator Rods
10 Syringes & 1 User's Manual
Surface Thermometer
1292-B Blue Dye - for 1000 ml of EMS Petrographic Epoxy Resin 10g
1292-R Resin Only 500 ml
1292-C Curing Agent 50 ml
1292-T Surface Thermometer - 0°C to 400°C each


Especially formulated for Material Science

Epo-Fix is an old product that has existed only in the metallographic field until now. After extensive testing in our labs we have found that it is a perfect embedding media for a majority of material specimens.

Until now, LR White has been the most commonly used embedding media for materials due to the block hardness it offered, but there are difficulties associated with LR White. For instance, the adherence to the specimen is poor and additives are required to improve its adherence. Another major problem is the inability to orient the specimen correctly in order to cut you block afterwards. This is due to the fact that LR White needs to be oxygen starved and gelatin capsules (vertical) are recommended by the manufacturer for use. Another problem is that polymerization time in the oven can take over 24 hours.

Epo-Fix remedies all of these problems. It has very good sectioning properties, good adherence to the sample, very low viscosity, easy curing in molds (no orientation problems), and quick cure times.

Epo-Fix Technical Data:

A two component epoxy resin, characterized by negligible shrinkage during curing and good mechanical properties in its hardened state. It is particularly suited for embedding hard samples of complicated shape and for vacuum impregnation. Samples such as paper, silicon, ceramics, metals, wafers, and chips are suitable to be used with Epo-Fix. It has low viscosity, low vapour pressure, good wetting properties, and minimal shrinkage. It hardens at room temperature without significant generation of heat in approximately 8 hours (no damage from heat or pressure), and at increased temperatures, 60°C, the hardening time is reduced to 2 hours. It should be noted that if you place Epo-Fix in a desiccator during curing you will eliminate any air bubbles.

RT 1232 Kit consists of:
1kg resin
120gm hardener
15 cups
15 stirrers
1 x 5 ml and 20 ml syringes

arrow12Gach (Glutaraldehyde/Carbohydrazide)

A water and lipid-retaining embedding polymer for EM. Excellent preservation of lipids and ultrastructure.
Hechman, C.A. et al. (1973) J. Ultrastruct. Res. 42,156.

RT 15920 Kit consists of: kit
10x10 ml 50% EM grade Glutaraldehyde msds
10x1.5g Carbohydrazide msds

arrow12GMA, Water Soluble

Glycol Methacrylate embedding medium provides excellent preservation (especially enzymatic autoradiographic studies). Good for E.M., L.M., and Histo. Leduc. & Bernard, (1967)
J. Ultrastr. Res., 4, 196-99.

RT 14200 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml Glycol methacrylate, GMA msds
225 ml n-Butyl methacrylate msds
15g Benzoyl Peroxide Paste msds


Polyethylene Glycol - Glycol methacrylate mixture. A water miscible embedding medium for cytochemical studies and enzyme localization when light and electron microscopy need to be correlated.
Spaur, R.C. & Moriarty, G., (1977) J Histochem. Cytochem., 23:16

RT 14250 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml Glycol methacrylate, GMA msds
225 ml n-Butyl methacrylate msds
50 ml Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate msds
20 ml Polyethylene Glycol 400 msds
15g Benzoyl Peroxide Paste msds

arrow12Hard-Plus Resin-812

A newly formulated resin that enables the processing of specimens that have a tendency to wrinkle and be problematic.

In general, Hard Plus Resin-812 and its WPE numbers (weight per epoxide) do not vary much from batch to batch and it also has good stability under the electron beam and it stains well with heavy metals. Furthermore, the viscosity of the Hard-Plus Resin-812 is lower than the original Epon-812, making infiltration of the tissue more complete. For processing and embedding, it can be used exactly the same way as Epon-812, but normally, it is not necessary to use intermediate solvents, such as propylene oxide, hence, infiltration can immediately follow with absolute alcohol. Polymerization is normally at 60°C for 24 – 48 hours. Longer times or higher temperatures (70°C or more) will give a harder block.

For larger samples (>1 x 1 mm3) the use of a intermediate solvent is recommended.

Hard-Plus Resin-812 is supplied only as a premix kit. All components are pre-measured, and you have to do is combine them in the right order and mix thoroughly. Each kit contains five separate mini-kits, making approximately 100g each.

RT 14115 Kit consists of:
5x50g Hard-Plus Resin-812
5 x 50g Hardener Hard-Plus
5 x 2.5 ml Accelerator
Hard-Plus Resin-812 Kit

arrow12HPMA, Water Soluble

HPMA is a water-soluble resin used for cytochemical applications. Infiltration follows fixation of the tissue so there is no extraction of materials caused by dehydration in alcohols. Leduc, E.H. et al., (1965) J. Cell Biol., 26:137.

RT 14220 Kit consists of:
450 ml HPMA
15g Benzoyl Peroxide Paste

arrow12JB-4™ Embedding Kit

A water soluble embedding media which is based on Glycol Methacrylate (GMA) plastic embedding. It is intended for use in preparing samples for high resolution microscopes (HRLM). The catalyzed monomer acts as a dehydration and infiltration agent; therefore, complete dehydration through 100% ethanol is not necessary (although recommended for large or dense tissues). Conventional paraffin sections have a greater degree of shrinkage and produce inadequate morphology when compared to JB-4.


  • Thin sections (.5-2.0 micron) with excellent morphological structure preservation.
  • Water-clear blocks; casts in 90 minutes max. at room temp.
  • Good lipid and enzyme retention when processing at low temperatures (4°C).
  • Removal of JB-4 resin prior to staining is not necessary.
  • Clearing agents such as xylene and chloroform are not needed.
  • Higher clarity and contrast than with paraffin sections.
  • Easy processing of difficult specimens such as calcified bone and delicate embryonic tissue.
  • It produces harder blocks which is ideal for dense samples, such as bone.


  1. Hofman E.O. & Flores, T.R., High Resolution LM in Renal Path., Amer. J. of Clin. Path., 76:5 (1981)
  2. Beckstead, J.H., Blood, 57(6):1008 (1981)
  3. Brinn, N & Pickett, P., J. Histotech., 2(5):125-130 (1979)
  4. Block, Matthew H., et al., Lab. Med., 13(5)(1982)
  5. Helander, K.G., J. Microscopy, 132:223 (1983)
  6. Cole, M.B., J. Microscopy, 127:139 (1982)
  7. Higuchi, S., et al., Stain Tech., 54(1):5-12 (1979)
  8. Van DeVeldt, S., Am. J. Clin. Path.,73:121 (1980)
  9. Horton, W.A., J. Histochem. Cytochem., 31:417 (1983)
  10. Tacha, D.E. & Richard, T.C.., J. Histotech., 4(2):59 (1981)
RT 14270-00 Kit consists of:
800 ml Solution A
30 ml Solution B
12 g Catalyst
RT 14270-01 JB-4 Solution A only msds 800 ml
RT 14270-04 JB-4 Solution B only msds 30 ml
RT 14270-06 JB-4 Catalyst msds 12 g

JB-4 Plusarrow12JB-4 Plus™ Embedding Kit

JB-4 Plus offers all of the same features as JB-4 except it produces less of an exothermic reaction than JB-4 which is good for temperature sensitive tissues.

RT 14272-00 Kit consists of:
500 ml Solution A
15 ml Solution B
8 g Benzoyl Peroxide Catalyst
RT 14272-01 JB-4 Plus Solution A only msds 500 ml
RT 14272-04 JB-4 Plus Solution B only msds 15 ml
RT 14272-06 JB-4 Plus Catalyst msds 8 g

Related Products for the JB-4

Block Holder, Chucks and Molding Cup Trays
Tissue-Tack Adhesive for JB-4
UV Mount Medium for JB-4

arrow12LR Gold Resin

The London Resin Company's acrylic "LR Gold" offers the histochemist and immunocytochemist the advantage of working with unfixed tissues at low temperatures, thus allowing many fixation-sensitive procedures to be carried out in 1-4 microns resin sections at -25°C using visible light. It is non-toxic and has a low viscosity.

RT 14370 Kit consists of: kit
500 ml LR Gold Resin msds
100g Polyvinylpyrolidone msds
50g Benzoyl Peroxide msds
50g Benzil msds
RT 14371 LR Gold Resin only msds 500 ml

LR White Resin arrow12LR White Resin

A very low viscosity (8cps), non-toxic resin, suitable for both Light and Electron Microscopy.

LR White is a polar monomer polyhydroxylated acromatic acrylic resin. It can be cured by heat or by UV light. Sections of polymerized LR White resin are hydrophilic. This character allows immuno-cytochemistry reagents to easily penetrate into the sections and etching of the sections is not necessary (etching sections will effect delicate tissue antigens). LR White sections also show minimal non-specific staining. Its low viscosity makes it ideal for infiltrating decalcified bone and teeth as well as plant tissues. It is available in medium and hard grade.

Newman, G.R. (1987). Use and abuse of LR White. Histochem. J., 19:118
Newman, G.R. (1989). LR White embedding medium for colloidal gold methods. In: Colloidal Gold: Principles, Methods, and Applications, Vol.2 (Hayat, M.A., Ed.). Academic Press. San Diego and London

Kit consists of: 500 ml LR White Resin, 10 ml UV accelerator

0-5°C 14380 Medium Grade (14381, 14385)   kit
0-5°C 14382 Hard Grade (14383, 14385)   kit
0-5°C 14381 LR White resin only; Med. Grade Catalyzed msds 500 ml
0-5°C 14381-UC LR White resin only; Med. Grade Uncatalyzed msds 500 ml
0-5°C 14383 LR White resin only; Hard Grade Catalyzed msds 500 ml
0-5°C 14383-UC LR White resin only; Hard Grade Uncatalyzed msds 500 ml
0-5°C 14384 LR White Resin Soft Grade Catalyzed msds 500 ml
0-5°C 14384-UC LR White Resin Soft Grade Uncatalyzed msds 500 ml
0-5°C 14385 LR White UV accelerator msds 10 ml

Technical Data Sheets

Technical Tips

arrow12Lowicryl ResinHistocryl Resin

Histocryl acrylic resin has been specially formulated for light microscopy. It is water clear, and because it is hydrophilic (polar) it permits the use of most routine staining techniques without priorremoval or etching.

RT 14390 Kit consists of:
500 ml Histocryl Resin
50g Histocryl Catalyst (B.P.)
10 ml Histocryl Accelerator

Related Products

For the polymerization of our UV curing resins, see our UV Lamps and our UV Cryo

arrow12Lowicryl Resin

Lowicryl resins are highly cross-linked acrylate-based embedding resins, designed for use over a wide range of embedding conditions. These resins provide low viscosity at low temperatures.

The K4M kit is usable to -35°C and is a polar (hydrophilic) medium, while the HM20 kit can be used down to -70°C and is nonpolar (hydrophobic).

Lowicryl's K11M and HM23 have properties similar to K4M and HM20, but can be used at temperatures 20 degrees lower than others: K11M at -60°C, HM23 at least -80°C. All of these resins are photopolymerized by long wavelength (360nm) ultraviolet light. Since the initiation of the polymerization is largely independent of temperatures, blocks may be polymerized at the same temperatures used for infiltration. The resin may also be chemically polymerized at 60°C.

Armbruster, B.L. et al, (1982). J. Microscopy 126: 77
Carlemalm, E. et al, (1985). J. Microscopy 140:55
Hayat, M.A. (Ed.). (1989) Priciples and Techniques of Electron Microscopy, 3rd Edition. CRC Press,Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.

RT 14330 Lowicryl K4M msds
RT 14340 Lowicryl HM20 msds
RT 14350 Lowicryl K11M msds
RT 14360 Lowicryl HM23 msds

Technical Data Sheets and Newsletter

arrow12Lowicryl MonoStep Single Component Embedding Media

The same as our Lowicryl complete kits but this new formulation allows you one stop embedding without all of the cumbersome preparation and mixing. This pre-mixed, ready to use resin, saves you time and minimizes chemical contact. MonoStep Lowicryl is ideal for use in immunohistochemistry and immunolabeling. Store at room temperature.

RT 14335 Lowicryl K4m Polar
Embedding Medium; MonoStep
msds 225g
RT 14345 Lowicryl HM-20 Polar
Embedding Medium; MonoStep
msds 225g

Technical Tip

Improved Polymerization of Acrylic Resins

Low Viscosity, as reported by Dr. Spurrarrow12Low Viscosity, as reported by Dr. Spurr

Provides excellent penetration for embedding biological tissues and rapid infiltration. Easy to prepare. The hardness is adjusted by changing the proportion of the flexibilizer (DER 736). The blocks have good trimming and sectioning qualities. Thin sections are tough under the electron beam.

Spurr, A.R., (1969) J. Ultrastruct. Res. 26, 31-42

RT 14300 Kit consists of: kit
450 ml NSA msds
225 ml ERL 4221 msds
225 ml DER 736 msds
25 ml DMAE msds

Technical Tip

Low Viscosity Kit Formulation with ERL 4221

UltraBed Kit Low Viscosity Epoxyarrow12UltraBed Kit

A Newly Introduced Low Viscosity Epoxy Embedding Kit

A Modification of the Dr. Spurr's Formula for Biological, Material, and Mineralogical Specimens

Versatile! Easy to use! Save Time and Money with this one-step-preparation low viscosity embedding kit.

The kit consists of two components, equal amount, very low viscosity, (~65cps), in convenient dispenser top bottles. To prepare the Embedding Resin, just mix equal amounts of the two components. The resin readily infiltrates into specimen and polymerizes to a clear, hard block overnight at 60°C.

  • Convenient – by weight just disperse equal amount of the A and B that you need, and mix together
  • Save time – Mixed resin can be used for both infiltration and embedding
  • Less Hazardous – All components are shipped together as Non-Hazardous substances

Kit comes with 100 ml each component A and component B.

RT 14310 UltraBed Low Viscosity Kit 2x100 ml kit

technical data sheetarrow12Methyl Methacrylate/Butyl Methacrylate

The mixture of Butyl and Methyl Methacrylate offers many advantages over the standard GMA and HPMA embedding mediums:

  • It can be UV cured in the cold with the addition of benzoin methyl ether, or heat cured by the addition of benzoyl peroxide.
  • The resin can be removed from the sections with a solvent (acetone) before staining.
RT 14520 Kit consists of: kit
225 ml Methyl Methacrylate msds
225 ml Butyl Methacrylate msds
15g Benzoyl Peroxide Paste msds

msdstechnical data sheetemsexclu.gif (210 bytes)arrow12Micro-Bed Resin

Micro-Bed resin is a newly developed water-soluble resin which is a mixture of acrylate and polyester resins. It is a very universal embedding medium and may be used for either light or electron microscopy.

Due to its non-crosslinking characteristics, its hydrophilic nature, and roughness of its section surface, our Micro-Bed Resin is excellent in preserving tissue structure, offers good results in immunolabeling, and stands up well to conventional stains.

In light microscopy, tissues were stained with conventional histological stains (e.g.,hematoxylin-eosin) and embedded in Micro-Bed: the results were comparable with those provided on paraffin embedded tissues. Further, polychrome silver-based and cytochemical stains (e.g.,PAS) were also feasible. In transmission electron microscopy, images as good as those obtained with similar acrylic resins, (e.g., Lowicryl K4M), were obtained.

Micro-Bed is supplied as a single component-ready to use pre-mixed resin. Micro-Bed can be polymerized in either EMS embedding capsules or gelatin capsules by either heat(55-65°C) or UV (wavelength 365nm) light at low temperatures (-10 to 20°C) for 72 hours.

Scala C. et al.(1992). Development of a new acrylic resin ideally suited for light and electron microscopy. Electron Microscopy. Volume 3.EUREM 92, Granada, Spain. pg. 271

0-5°C 14210 Micro-Bed Embedding Resin 500 ml

arrow12Polyester Wax

Please see Polyester Wax.

technical data sheetarrow12Quetol 651 – NSA

A water miscible epoxy resin used for both light and electron microscopy. Its low viscosity permits easy infiltration and embedding, and yields light-colored blocks.

Kushida, H. et al., (1986) Pro. 11th Int. Cong. Electron Microsc., p. 2177. Kyoto

0-5°C 14640 Kit consists of: kit
225 ml Quetol 651 msds
450 ml NMA msds
450 ml NSA msds
50 ml DMP-30 msds

Articles of Interest

Quetol and the Addition of Water

arrow12Styrene Monomer, Polyester Resin

Very low viscosity; monomeric styrene which penetrates rapidly into the tissues. It is soluble in ethanol and acetone. The infiltration and embedding can be done by styrene alone, and there is no need to dilute it with solvents. Polymerization can be done either by UV light (340-400nm) or heat (60°C) within 2-3 days without benzoyl peroxide added; 24 hours with 1% benzoyl peroxide added as a catalyst.

Delamater et al., (1971) Pro. 29th Ann. Meet. EMSA, p. 488. Claitor's Pub. Div., Baton Rouge, La.
Kushida, H. (1962b) J. Electron Microsc., 11:128
Kushida, H. (1961a) J. Electron Microsc., 10:16

RT 14650  

Информация для заказа

Наименование ОбъемПроизводствоМетод Кат.Номер
Araldite 6005  Electron Microscopy Sciences  10920 
LR Только белая смола; Мед. Некатализируемый  Electron Microscopy Sciences  14381-UC 
Methyl Methacrylate/Butyl Methacrylate Embedding Media  Electron Microscopy Sciences  14520 
Набор Araldite 6005  Electron Microscopy Sciences  EMS 13920 
Набор смола LR White Resin kit, Hard Grade  Electron Microscopy Sciences  EMS 14382 
Смола твердая (Hard Grade Resin only)  Electron Microscopy Sciences  EMS 14383 
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