ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
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  · Сортер клеток MoFlo  
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  · Бак. Анализ на стерильность  
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  · HLA - генотипирование  
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  Реагенты для культивирования,   анализа и дифференцировки   стволовых клеток:
  · Производства Dako  
  · Рекомбинантные белки (Prospec) 
  Оборудование для культивирования   стволовых клеток:
  · Роботизированный комплекс HAMILTON 
  · Innovatis Cellscreen 
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  Секвенирование NGS
  Сортировка клеток
  Цитогенетическая диагностика

/ Каталог / Клеточные технологии и технологии для работы с клетками / Реагенты для исследования клеток / Культуральные среды, сыворотки, заменители, добавки / Культуральные среды Himedia / Клеточная пролиферация, жизнеспособность и индикаторы цитотоксичности / Жизнеспособность клеток

EZcount™  MTS Homogenous Cell Assay Kit   

Cell proliferation and death are essential processes for tissue generation and regeneration, organ development etc. in mammals and are usually under stringent control of extra and intracellular factors. Non-physiological alterations in levels of these factors lead to anomalous cytogenetic behavior of cells which in turn leads to cell transformation, uncontrolled cell growth - the initiating event for cancer development. Pharmaceutical research is hence largely focused on effects of drugs, cytotoxic agents and biologically active compounds which affect cytogenetics. Multiple procedures are available for determination of cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. Simple and cheap methods for estimating cell viability (or death) are Trypan Blue exclusion and Erythrocin B staining. However, these methods are not sensitive enough and cannot be used for high throughput screening. Measuring the uptake of radioactive substances, usually tritium-labeled thymidine, is accurate but it is also time-consuming and involves handling of radioactive substances. Tetrazolium salts have been used to develop a quantitative colorimetric assay to estimate mammalian cell survival and proliferation. The assay detects living, but not dead cells and the signal generated is dependent on the metabolic state of the cells. This method can therefore be used to measure cytotoxicity, proliferation or activation. The results can be read on a multi-well scanning spectrophotometer or a standard ELISA reader and show a high degree of precision.


The EZcountTM Homogenous MTS Cell Assay kit is designed for determination of cell viability and cell proliferation and/or effect of cytotoxic agent. This kit is based on the quantitative measurement of extracellular reduction of the water soluble tetrazolium dye MTS [2-(4-Iodophenyl)-3 - 4 - nitrophenyl) - 5 - (2, 4 - disulfophenyl) - 2H -tetrazolium sodium salt] to water soluble coloured formazan product by metabolically active cells. This reduction is mediated by mitochondrial dehydrogenases. The intensity of coloured formazan is directly proportional to the number of cells and can be measured spectrophotometrically at 490nm. Unlike MTT assay, MTS assay does not involve solubilization step. This feature makes MTS assay more accurate, sensitive and time-saving. CCK070 makes use of single ready-to-use reagent as an advantage  over CCK053 (EZcountTM Homogenous MTS Cell Assay  Kit) which involves an additional activator. 


 Cell proliferation: Quantification of changes in
proliferative activity of cells caused by trophic
factors, cytokines, and growth promoters
 Cell cytotoxicity: Evaluation of effects of inhibitors
or inducers of apoptosis, cytotoxic reagents,
carcinogens and toxins
 Drug discovery: High-throughput screening of
various anti-cancer drugs

CCK070.pdf (himedialabs.com)

Информация для заказа

Область использования:Производство:HIMEDIA
Объем:1000 тестов 
Кат. номер:CCK070-1000
Цена (с НДС 20%):по запросуВ корзину
Наименование: EZcount™  MTS Homogenous Cell Assay Kit   .
Примечание: Cell viability kits based on metabolic activity
© ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
info@LD.ru   тел.: +7 495 369-20-43